Page 54 of Gio

When Cindy realized it was me, her blue eyes lit up and her red lips parted into a happy smile. “Hiya Gio.” She stood and sauntered over to me, oblivious to the turmoil twisting inside of me. “What’s up?”

“Come with me.” I kept my voice low, and I didn’t wince when she wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Thought you’d never ask,” she cooed and looked over her shoulder, no doubt to make sure Harper saw everything.

My woman was surrounded by Petyon, Ellie, Laura, and Grace and each of them threw dirty looks at Cindy. But Harper’s gaze was firmly fixed on me and when I gave a subtle shake of my head, she returned it with a subtle nod of understanding.

“Later.” I mouthed the words to her before I led Cindy past my room and to our meeting room.

“Hey, I thought we were going to make up for lost time. I’m not even mad that you basically ghosted me for weeks for her.”

“I didn’t ghost you, Cindy.”

“Got distracted,” she replied with a laugh as she rolled her eyes. “Whatever. We’re gonna be good together. You’ll see.” It was only when she came face to face with dozens of angry expressions that she finally realized what was up. “Gio, what’s going on?”

I shoved her forward until she came face to face with our prez and VP. Diesel growled out, “Who did you tell about Harper’s whereabouts?”

She blinked, batted her long lashes slowly as if she could seduce her way out of this. “I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t know anything about her.”

“Don’t lie to us Cindy.” Rocky used a soft, honeyed voice, the good cop to Diesel’s bad cop which she hadn’t seen yet. “Just tell us who you spoke to.”

She opened and closed her mouth a few times before she shook her head and flashed a bright smile. “Look guys, I don’t know what she told you, but I didn’t tell anybody anything.”

I wasn’t taking anymore of her shit, I pulled out my gun, holding it against her temple. “Wrong fucking answer, Cindy. I will end you right here and now, but the only shot you have of making it out of here alive is to tell the fucking truth.”

She sucked in a terrified breath, her tear-filled eyes met mine. “That is the truth.” She squealed when I applied more pressure to her temple.

“Wrong answer. The guys who took her told her it was you so tell us who you spoke to, or better yet, call him. Now.”

She stomped her foot and turned to face me, forcing the gun against her forehead. “You were supposed to be mine, Gio! Mine, not hers!”

“Shut the fuck up and make the call.” All I needed was one little push and I would squeeze that fucking trigger.

“I don’t know the number,” she shouted, her voice was thick with fear and her eyes wide.

“Well then I guess you’re useless to us.” I wrapped my index finger around the trigger and dug the barrel into her flesh.

“Okay, wait! I’ll call, okay? I’ll call him!”

“Do it now and don’t make me ask again.”

“Gio, please.” She looked at me with pleading eyes, hoping I would save her but that wouldn’t fucking happen. “Don’t make me do this.”

“You did this to yourself.” I shook my head. “You almost cost Harper her life.”

“So what? She could have any guy she wants, why did she have to take mine?”

“She’s my fucking sister,” Cole roared. It was in that moment we all realized that Cindy was done. No matter what happened she couldn’t stay with the Steel Demons.

“Fine,” she whispered. “I’ll make the call.”

Damn right she would.

Chapter 31


“Are you sure you have to go?” It’s a silly question born of nothing but my own fear that I’ll lose Gio forever. “There are a lot of bikers in this MC.”