Page 24 of Gio

“I’m not,” I said in a shaky voice. “I’m at the Regency. Come get me, please. I need you Gio.”

There wasn’t even a pause before he spoke. “I’m on my way.”

Chapter 14



Istormed into the Las Vegas Regency on a warpath, ready to fuck up whoever stood between me and Harper. The ride to the hotel was quick but the whole damn time my mind replayed the sound of Harper’s voice, small and uncertain. Fucking terrified.

“Excuse me, sir, can I help you?” I didn’t want to snap at the woman in the pale blue skirt suit but goddammit I was furious.

“Carl Miller. Where the fuck is he?”

She winced at my words.

“I’m sorry. Where is he?”

The woman pointed to a set of doors that led away from the casino. “Through those doors, last door on the left.”

“Thank you. And I’m sorry.” I didn’t wait for her to accept it or not—I didn’t give a damn—I simply followed her directions and went in search of Carl Miller, soon to be dead man. As I wandered down the hall, every man and woman I encountered diverted their gazes and made way for me. None of them wanted to be on the wrong side of my anger.

I spotted the man I knew to be Carl and quickly closed the distance between us. I snatched the fucker up by his cheap shirt collar and pressed him against the wall. “Where the fuck is Harper?”

“I don’t know. She left my office close to an hour ago.”

“Yeah, and then you sicced your friend Viper on her?”

His eyes went wide, and he shook his head. “Fuck no, man. I tried to get her to leave because they won’t let up. She didn’t like that and she left, that was the last I saw of her. I swear.” His fear was real, but I didn’t give a shit. He struggled against me, and I laid a forearm across his throat.

“He put his fucking hands on her!” That was the part I couldn’t move past. “I’m holding you personally responsible, Carl Miller. I know where you live. I know everything about you. Choose wisely.” I released him and spun in a half-circle. Harper said she was in the main banqueting hall from last night, which was where I was.

“Harper, where are you baby?” I shouted.

For a full minute the hall was silent but eventually her voice sounded, it was small and shaky. “In here.”

I glared at Carl and stalked to the nearest door, opening each one until I found her. “Fuck, Harper!” I exclaimed when I spotted her curled up against a metal shelf with her arms wrapped around her legs.


I stepped inside. “Come here, baby.” She looked so fucking small and helpless. So scared. I pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in my arms. “You’re okay Harper. I’m here now. I’m here.” I stood in that tiny ass closet and held her close until her body stopped shaking, until her heart pounded normally against my chest.

“Thank you for coming, Gio.” She pulled back just enough to meet my gaze.

“Always, Harper.” I held her chin in my hand, turning her left and right as my anger grew. “He did this?” I ran my thumb along the angry red mark on her left cheek.

She nodded and put her hand against mine over the red mark. “He was angry,” she whispered. “He wanted to know who shot his friend and he, um, threatened to gut me if I told anyone what I heard.”

“That motherfucker is dead,” I growled. “Anything else?”

She nodded and tilted her head backwards. “He grabbed me by the throat, really hard. At one point my feet were dangling in the air, but I’m fine now,” she insisted. “Just a little shaken up.”

A little shaken up. This woman was stronger than she gave herself credit for. “You’re gonna be fine.” My hands fell away from her body and clenched into hard fists. It took every fucking ounce of restraint I had not to hunt Viper down and set his whole fucking life on fire.

Harper shook her head. “I’m sorry, Gio. I know you told me to stay home but I thought if I could get a few things done ahead of schedule,” she sighed and shook her head again. “It doesn’t matter what I was thinking. I should’ve stayed put.”

I smiled. “I’d love to get that in writing when you’re not shaking and in shock.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and guided her out of the closet. “You’ve always been hardheaded.”