"Anything. Just say it."
"Honesty." She sealed his lips with two fingers when he tried to speak. "You made me realize my sex-only idea was stupid, and I love you too much for anything between us to be casual. I'm officially canceling that plan. But you need to tell me the truth, all of it, about your past and your feelings, everything. I know men don't like to talk about things like that, but we can't make a future together if you won't share your life with me. All of it. Not only the good parts. I'll do the same for you."
This was it, he realized. The pivotal moment. She'd given up her goofy plan for him and asked only one thing in return. If he couldn't give her what she needed, they didn't have any future.
His gut wrenched, and his mouth went dry, but he told her the truth. "I want to do that, but I don't think it'll be easy for me."
"All I'm asking is for you to try. Give it your best shot, for us." Her eyes captivated him, so clear and bright, the tears gone. "Can you do that, Gavin?"
"Yes." And he meant it with every fiber of his being. "I might screw up again, but I'll try my damnedest not to."
"Good." She feathered her soft lips over his. "That's all I need tonight."
Though he exhaled a gusty breath, relief washing through him, a sliver of icy doubt stayed lodged in his chest. Never in his life had he opened up to anyone, not completely, not about his deepest fears and most painful experiences. It might be excruciating. It might be exhausting. It might convince Jamie she belonged with somebody else, somebody not messed up beyond repair.
Not beyond repair. He couldn't think that way. No matter how much this hurt, he would give Jamie what she'd asked for.
He would do anything for her.
"Thank you," he said, then he kissed her, tender and slow. "I don't deserve a second chance with you, but I'm damn grateful you gave me one."
"You do deserve it." She laid a hand on his cheek. "And I know you won't let me down again."
Gavin flipped onto his back, scrutinizing the ceiling. "Would you rather I leave and come back tomorrow?"
"What? No." She gave his chest a light slap. "Don't be a bleeding bampot."
He'd spent enough time around the MacTaggarts to know she was calling him bat-shit crazy. And he supposed he had been acting that way. "Should we start talking yet?"
The last word mutated into a big yawn.
Jamie snuggled up to him, her head on his chest. "Tomorrow. I'm sure Aidan had you working hard all day breaking rocks."
"That was Iain's idea." Gavin pulled the covers up over them. "Aidan would've let us use the backhoe, but Iain decided backbreaking work would do me good."
"Seems like it did." She pressed her lips to his chest. "Good night, Gavin."
"Good night, Jamie." He kissed the top of her head.
He felt her body slacken against him and heard her breathing grow shallower. He stayed awake long after she drifted off, content to have her with him but dreading the trials to come. He'd wanted this, to hash it all out with his best friend and best girl, but the reality of it knotted his gut.
Confess everything to Jamie. That would be hard enough.
Get in good with Lachlan and Rory… That would be his epic journey to redemption.
If the two Macs didn't slay him.
The sunrise glowed behind Jamie's eyes as she lay snuggled against Gavin in bed, half awake. Lying here with him while he slept felt so nice she didn't want to move or open her eyes. She rubbed her cheek on his firm, warm chest, loving the scent of his skin and the softness of it compared to the hardness of his muscles. They were back together. Warmth bloomed in her chest at the realization. She hadn't wanted to break up with him in the first place, but his stunt with the credit card had hurt her more than she'd been able to admit even to herself. His statements about her brothers, though, that had devastated her. How could she be with someone who despised her family?
Her sex-only plan had been spurred by her fears Gavin might turn out to be like Trevor. He was nothing like Trevor, and at last she'd accepted that fact. Maybe Rory had done her a favor by inviting Trevor to the Halloween party. Confronting her ex had, oddly, pushed her to confront fears she'd sublimated for too long.
Now, if she could give Gavin a similar cleansing experience…
When had everything turned so wrong?
Gavin got along well with Catriona and Fiona. It was only her brothers who brought out something in him she still didn't understand. Of course, it didn't help that Rory glared at Gavin constantly or that Lachlan treated him like an invader in the MacTaggart clan's kingdom.