"I know." She clamped her hands together under her chin again. "I don't want him to be embarrassed, though Rory would love that."
"Don't underestimate your brother either." Iain hooked an arm around her shoulders and tugged her close. "Women don't understand the ways of men and vice versa."
Jamie decided not to argue with Iain anymore. He never got upset about anything, so she was wasting a good bluster on him. Instead, she let her cousin keep his arm around her while she watched the love of her life do whatever was necessary to win over her brother.
Disaster. Massive. Looming.
Gavin grasped the hammer's handle. He hefted it a couple times, his eyes widening briefly as if he were surprised by the weight but not dissuaded by it.
"Twenty-two pounds," Rory hollered. "Too much for you?"
"If you can take it, I can."
"We'll see if you can beat twenty-seven point three meters."
Gavin hauled in a deep breath.
He swung the hammer above his head, whirling it in a big circle around and around. Once. Twice. Three times. His biceps bulged with the effort, his face was strained. On the fourth circuit, he twisted his torso while his feet remained planted in place and hurled the hammer across the green.
It sailed. And sailed.
The scene seemed to unfold in slow motion while Jamie watched the hammer flying through the air. Her pulse pounded in her chest and thundered in her ears. She didn't breathe or blink or move a muscle until the hammer struck the earth.
Past the orange flag that marked Rory's throw.
Iain jogged out across the field pulling a tape measure after him. Fiona, oldest sister of the Three Macs, held the other end of the tape measure while Iain broke into a sprint to reach the spot where Rory had landed his hammer.
Hoisting the tape measure over his head, Iain announced, "Twenty-eight point four."
Jamie shrieked and bolted for Gavin, shedding Iain's arm, tackling Gavin with such energy he staggered backward a step. Gavin laughed and hugged her to him. She could hardly believe it, and he seemed hardly able to believe it either. He'd thrown a twenty-two-pound hammer.
And he'd outdone Rory.
Iain jabbed an orange flag into the ground to mark Gavin's throw and snatched up the hammer, trotting back to the starting line. A drawn-out zipping noise broke the silence when Fiona reeled the tape measure back into its housing.
Gavin set Jamie down when Rory stalked up to them.
Rory eyed Gavin up and down, then looked him straight in the eye. "Nice throw."
Jamie supposed that was as close as Rory would get to admitting an American had beaten him at his own game. She smacked a wet kiss on Gavin's cheek.
Rory thumped one fist into his other palm. "Games aren't over yet, laddie. One more round with the hammer and then we'll have a go at the stone put and the caber toss."
"Sounds like fun."
Jamie and Gavin backed away to let Rory take his second shot. Once Iain handed over the hammer, Rory swung it fast, letting out a loud grunt as he released the hammer, sending it flying over the green. It touched down nearly even with the flag marking Gavin's first throw.
Iain hustled out with the tape measure, planted a flag, and shouted, "Twenty-nine even."
With a smug smile, Rory faced Gavin and made a sweeping gesture, inviting Gavin to take his next turn.
Iain jogged up with the hammer.
Gavin whirled the thing high and fast as if mimicking Rory's speed. He let the hammer fly, and it soared over the green to thunk down almost even with Rory's flag.
Jamie bounced on her toes, impatient for Iain to make the measurement.
At last, he stabbed the flag into the ground and announced, "Twenty-nine point seven."