An Aston Martin sat parked in the driveway behind Calli's truck.

Gavin stopped behind the uber-expensive car and shut off the engine. He knew of only one person around these parts who drove an Aston Martin. Lachlan was here.Great. Gavin had hoped to talk to Calli today and deal with Lachlan tomorrow — or the next day, or the day after that. Jeez, he really had turned into a pile of wussy mush.

No more.

He pulled the hood of his raincoat over his head, flung open the Rover's door, and slammed it behind him as he bolted for the door to Calli's house. The cottage was a decent size, though nothing in comparison to Rory's castle or even the farmhouse owned by Lachlan and Erica, which hardly qualified as huge. Iain's house was modest like this one. Gavin felt more comfortable in normal-size houses. Big ones made him feel like he had to be careful where he stepped and watch out for delicate, expensive knickknacks he might accidentally knock over and break. His parents had owned an average house in an average neighborhood, with an average minivan too.

Nothing wrong with average. He wanted that. A normal, happy life.

Soon, he'd get what he wanted. He'd have Jamie for his wife.

Now, if he could find a steady job…

Gavin knocked on the door.

Voices murmured on the other side of the door, somewhere deeper inside the house, and Gavin recognized Calli's laughter. A squeal pierced the big wooden door. Baby Sarah was awake.

Silence followed, except for the clapping of footsteps drawing closer.

The door swung inward, and Calli smiled. She had Sarah clasped to her bosom, the baby's little face aimed over her shoulder. Gavin had a good view of the back of his niece's head. Beyond that, he glimpsed Christmas garlands outlining every door, with colorful lights embedded in them.

"Hey," Calli said. "This is a nice surprise."

"Uh, sorry, I should've called first." He always, always did. But not today. He'd been afraid if he told Calli he needed to come over and talk he'd lose his nerve.

Calli waved a dismissive hand, holding onto Sarah with the other arm. "You're family. You can stop by anytime."

He suppressed a wince at the word family.

Leaning sideways, he peered around Calli into the house beyond. "Where are Misty and Mandy?"

"The girls are having a play date with Casey."

"Dogs have play dates? Go figure." He twisted his mouth into a wry smile. "Aren't you worried Erica's big boy dog will get fresh with your little girls?"

"Casey is neutered, Gav. And he's a gentleman."

"Never say the word neutered around a man, C."

She angled sideways and flapped a hand in a hurry-up gesture. "Get inside before you turn into a walking puddle."

He hurried over the threshold, and while Calli shut the door, he hung his raincoat on a hook on the entryway wall.

"Is it Aidan?" Lachlan called from the direction of the kitchen.

"No," Calli hollered. "My husband doesn't ring the doorbell, Lachlan."

"Oh. Aye, of course."

"Duh," Calli muttered with a shake of her head and a soft little laugh.

She turned and led Gavin down the hall.

Baby Sarah caught sight of Gavin and cooed, smiling and stretching out one tiny hand to him. He let her have one of his fingers, and she curled her tiny ones around it, gripping him with surprising strength for such an itty-bitty tyke. Sarah gurgled.

"Are you talking to Uncle Gavin?" Calli said. She glanced over her shoulder at him. "See? Your niece misses you."

Guilt weighed down on him like a two-ton boulder.