It sounded stupid even to her. Why had she traveled all the way out here? Not for the contract. She'd given in to a desperate impulse to see him again.

Gavin's eyes blazed with an unmistakable hunger, and his lips curved into a smoldering expression that melted her insides, especially the nether regions of her body. He inched a touch closer. "Couldn't wait to see me, huh?"

"I —" She floundered for a rational response, but reason had left her a long while ago. Right about the time she'd sworn she wanted nothing but sex from him. Too late to back out even if she'd wanted to. She'd committed to the plan, and besides, he hadn't recanted his statement that he needed space from her. "I was heading this way to, um, visit a friend. Stopped off here to give Aidan the contract."

"Baloney," Gavin said, his voice low and sultry. "You wanted to see me. I'm cool with that."

Cool was the polar opposite of how she felt. Her body had become overheated, her skin sensitized by an odd mixture of chilly air raising the hairs and inner heat racing through her.

His big body lingered too close, his molten gaze seared into her. She became acutely aware of his body, of the way sweat pasted his shirt to his skin and accentuated the lines of every muscle. Her attention snagged on the bulge in his jeans. The swelling bulge. She couldn't prevent her tongue from slipping out to wet her lips again.

Gavin groaned with a longing that resonated in his chest. "I love it when you touch yourself that way. Makes me want to lick you exactly the way you're moving your fingers."

She froze, rolling her gaze downward to her own chest. One of her hands had found its way to her breastbone, a hair above the neckline of her blouse. The heel of her hand rested between her breasts while her fingers traced lines up and down her skin. The feathery sensation of her own fingertips heightened her arousal, though she hadn't realized she'd been touching herself. Gavin's presence, the epitome of masculine virility and strength, made her lose control of her own limbs.

"Ah," he purred, smiling with feral satisfaction, "you didn't know you were doing that. Wouldn't you rather I tease you that way?"

Jamie didn't dare speak. It would sound breathless if she did, and he would know how much she wanted him right now.Bloody eejit, did ye think he couldn't see that already?

Her plan to make him crazed with lust so she could reject him had flown oot the windae along with her bum.

What else could she do? Say something stupid, that was all she could think of. "Sex only. You agreed —"

"I never agreed to that." Gavin sauntered even closer, anchoring his hands on her hips, their weight and warmth a sensual temptation. "It's never just sex with us. I love you, and whenever we have sex, we're always making love. You can say 'sex only' as much as you want, but that won't make it true."

She tried to swallow, but her throat had constricted.

He eased his hands around to her buttocks, molding his strong fingers to her flesh, and tugged to bring her hips into contact with his rigid erection. "You want me. I want you too, so bad I can't think about anything else. No matter how bad I want you, though, it's always more than sex. I know you, I know what you like, I know how to get you hot and how to make you come whenever I want you to." He pinned her to the car, his arousal hard against her belly. "I could make you come for me right here, right now, with Aidan and Iain fifty feet away. I wouldn't even have to take your clothes off. If I want you to come, you'll do it for me."

She fought for breath but couldn't summon more than shallow, quick inhalations. Her bra had grown tight, her nipples rock-hard and straining against the fabric. She burned for him to tear off her shirt and bra, latch his mouth onto her nipple, and suckle the tip until she climaxed.

Instead, she slapped her palms on his chest and said, "Not here."

The breathy tone of her voice sapped the command of its strength.Damn him.

He gripped her ass firmly, hoisting her up onto her toes as he rocked her hips forward into his erection. It rubbed against her mound, and even the fabric of her skirt and panties couldn't minimize the sensation. She gasped, her hands fisting in his shirt, unconsciously pulling him closer.

"Mmm, yeah," he rumbled, lowering his face to hers, their mouths millimeters apart. "I like it when you get needy and bossy at the same time. Tell me to stop, then drag me in for a kiss. It's hot, baby, real hot."

"We're not kissing."

"Not yet." He exhaled a heated breath onto her lips. "Say the word, and I'll flip you around, yank down your panties, and fuck you up against the car."

He grazed his lips over hers at the instant he rubbed his shaft into her groin.

She choked back a whimper.Yes, she longed to say,yes, take me like that. Her voice wouldn't function, and besides, she couldn't give in when he kept saying it was more than sex. She needed to stop this, immediately, and regain her control before they met again tonight. Yes, take back control. That's what she must do.

Gavin dragged his tongue along the seam of her lips.

And every iota of her resolve disintegrated.

He stepped back, robbing her of his hands, his lips, his raging arousal. "See you tonight."

Was he joking? He'd gotten her worked up only to walk away?

Flashing her a wicked grin, he winked. "Sex only."

Before she could muster a scathing retort, he sauntered away from her, seemingly oblivious of the massive bulge in his pants.