Oh dammit, he couldn't let it go down this way. He tried to sit up, but she closed her lips around him and took his length deep into her mouth, and then he couldn't think. His breaths came shallow and fast, but he managed to croak, "Jamie, wait, let's talk."
She encompassed his girth with her delicate hand and began licking the head.
He was lost.
The irresistible vixen worked him with her hands and her mouth, cupped his sack with one hand while she licked a path up his length, massaged his inner thighs while she suckled him like she couldn't get enough of the taste. Pressure built in his cock, the need to lose it approaching critical, and he knew he had to make her back away. He had no doubt she'd never done this before — though, damn, she was a quick study — and he didn't want her to feel she had to finish him off like this.
"Jamie," he said, his voice raspy and choked, "you should stop before I —"
She removed her mouth only long enough to say, "Not stopping."
Then she swallowed him again, and all his thoughts vaporized.
His body went taut, the breath stolen from his lungs. He fisted his hands in the covers, gasping for air he couldn't take in. A hoarse, strangled cry exploded out of him at the instant he came.
She didn't stop, not until he'd spent himself completely.
Breathing hard, shocked by what his angelic Jamie had done, he gaped at the woman still kneeling between his thighs. "Wow. Jamie. That was… unbelievable."
Her smile was shy, like she couldn't believe what she'd done either.
Gavin levered up into a sitting position and caressed her hair with one hand, admiring the incredible woman before him. "Just when I think I know everything about you, I find out you're a vixen in disguise."
She covered his mouth with her hand. "Haud yer wheesht, or I'm away."
The cute Scottish way of saying she'd split if he didn't shut up.
Her shyness had evaporated, replaced with a bossiness he would've loved — if he hadn't known she was taking command not to be sexy, but to keep him from talking. To keep from getting truly intimate. To maintain a distance between them.
Hell with that.
What had Emery told him the other day? Something Jamie had told her.
She said when you two met, you were strong, confident, and drop-dead sexy.
Jamie wouldn't have said that unless she liked him that way. Emery had sort of implied that's what it meant. Gavin understood Jamie better than anyone, even her brothers, and he trusted his instincts about her. He'd acted like a wuss for too long. He'd let her steamroll him into — well, into a really hot blow job, but still — he'd let her steer the encounter into what she thought was a casual fling.
Enough of that. Time to grab the reins and show her the man she'd fallen for eighteen months ago, the man she'd slept with days after they met.
"That's right," she said in a sexy voice that made his balls ache, "keep being quiet. Means I won't have to leave."
He dived a hand into her hair to cradle her nape. "We're doing this my way now."
"No." She rose in front of him, her beautiful, nude body inches from his face. Chin lifted, she gazed down at him with a haughty expression he recognized as artifice. "My way or no way."
"Uh-uh." He settled his hands on her hips, tilting his head back to admire the view from between those luscious breasts and catch her gaze with his own. "You had your fun. But if you think this can ever be a good time and nothing else, I'll prove how wrong you are."
She rolled her shoulders back. "You've made your choice, then."
The woman he worshiped spun around, clearly intending to head for the door.
He locked his arms around her midsection and hauled her backward and down until she perched on his lap, caged by his embrace, her arms pinned to her sides. Her hair tickled his face. Though she wriggled and made indignant noises, he had the advantage of strength. She stopped fighting and huffed.
Gavin lowered his lips to her throat and chuckled. "You're so cute when you're frustrated."
"You're holding me hostage."
"That's right." He nipped her throat, licked his way up to her ear, and nibbled on the lobe, relishing the way she moaned and melted into him. "Good girl."