"Be back in time for Thanksgiving."
"Which is an American holiday. We don't have it in Scotland."
"True," Emery said, "but this family has Yanks in it now. And we insist on celebrating our American holiday of gluttony and giving thanks."
Jamie's shoulders sagged when she thought about this plan. For the bulk of November, she would be alone in this castle while fending off Trevor's advances and who-knew-what from Gavin. "I can't do this alone."
Emery grasped Jamie's shoulders. "You need to work this out on your own. With the house to yourself, you'll have no excuses. You and Gavin can get it on in every room if you want. And you'll be forced to talk to him."
"No talking. I told him I wanted sex only."
Her sister-in-law rolled her eyes. "Oh Jamie, we both know you don't want casual."
"I know, but —" Jamie threw her head back to scowl at the ceiling. "Don't know what I'm doing."
"Which is exactly why you need three weeks without siblings or sisters-in-law interfering."
Jamie shot Emery a dubious look. "How am I supposed to stop my brothers and sisters from poking their noses in?"
"Calli and Erica will keep Lachlan and Aidan in line. And I'll talk to Cat and Fiona."
Rory's wife seemed to have it all worked out. Would three weeks give Jamie time to untangle the mess her life had become? To find out, she'd have to give Emery's plan a go.
"All right," Jamie said. "Go to Skye, and I'll… do something here."
Emery gave her a quick hug. "I believe in you, Jamie. You can handle the situation all on your own."
Jamie considered the idea of having the castle to herself for a moment, then remembered an important fact. "Mrs. Darroch will be here."
"Nope," Emery said. "She's leaving this afternoon to visit her daughter in Caithness."
"Oh." Completely alone? For nearly a month? Gavin and Trevor might drive her insane. "If you come home to find two corpses in the vestibule, have Rory haul them into the woods."
Emery laughed. "That won't be necessary. If you murder your suitors, call Aidan. He'll bring his backhoe to dig the graves for you."
With that, Emery strolled out of the room.
And Jamie was left to ponder two thoughts. One, everyone she knew had a morbid sense of humor. And two, the next three weeks would test her patience, her willpower, and her inner strength.
Two men. Three weeks. What could go wrong?
On the afternoon following the worst Halloween party ever, Gavin got desperate. Iain had told him Aidan said Lachlan heard from Rory that Emery had seen Trevor at Dùndubhan that morning. The MacTaggart grapevine reported the Brit begged Jamie to take him back but she said no. Had she meant it? Or was she thinking about taking up with the English Ass? Jamie had told Gavin she wanted sex, nothing else — from him. Though he couldn't picture her doing him on the side while having a regular romance with Sir Smiles-A-Lot, he could imagine her kicking him to the curb to take up with Trevor.
Any woman would love a smooth-talking rich boy.
With no other ideas, Gavin headed to Dùndubhan to see Jamie. What he would say, he had no clue. Mrs. Darroch answered the door, pinched his cheek, and escorted him into the kitchen.
Jamie was slumped on a stool at the granite island. She poked at a lump of half-melted ice cream in her bowl, her gaze downcast, her expression melancholy.
Gavin wanted to rush over there and drag her into his arms to kiss away her misery. But it was his fault. She might not want comforting from him.
"There ye are,mo luran," Mrs. Darroch said as she nudged him across the threshold toward Jamie.
Mrs. Darroch bustled off to do housework or whatever it was she did around here. Gavin had never asked exactly what her duties were since it wasn't his business. Sometimes she seemed like the house mother at a fraternity.
Jamie glanced at him, her spoon going still between her fingers.