And the battle began.

Pulling. Grunting. Feet slipping. Heels digging in. Pulling. Pulling. Muscles stretched to the limit. Teeth gritted.

The Three Macs gained a few feet in their direction.

"Harder!" Gavin shouted to his teammates.

Iain had his whole face squinted, leaning back so far he would've tumbled over if not for the tension of the rope holding him up.

And Tavish, that sly old coot who had seemed badly outmatched for this tournament, hardly broke a sweat while yanking the rope back and back and back, gaining ground with each pull.

Gavin shook off his astonishment and hauled on the rope.

They gained. And gained.

Rory had his teeth bared and gritted, sweat dribbling down his face and soaking his T-shirt. The Three Macs got dragged forward. Lachlan slipped and let go of the rope, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid Aidan stomping on him.

Iain fell next, though Gavin had a sneaking suspicion the guy let go on purpose. He knew this battle was ultimately between Gavin and Rory.

Aidan gave up too, seemingly for the same reasons as Iain. He flashed Gavin a grin, then nodded to Tavish.

The gardener relinquished his hold, leaving only Gavin and Rory to fight this battle.

Gavin sucked in a breath and yanked with all the strength left in his battered muscles.

Rory's knees buckled. He hit the ground on his butt, a shout exploding out of him, his chest heaving.

The sudden release of pressure sent Gavin reeling backward, but he threw his arms out for balance and stayed on his feet.

Flat on his ass, Rory peered at Gavin with an unreadable expression. After a moment, when they'd both caught their breath, Rory clambered to his feet, marched straight to Gavin, and held out his hand.

Gavin shook it, half expecting the guy to tackle him to the ground.

"Congratulations, you won," Rory said. He grasped Gavin's wrist, hoisted it high in the air, and shouted, "The champion of today's games is Gavin Douglas."

The MacTaggarts cheered.

Calli raced up to Gavin and hugged him fiercely. "I'm so proud of you."

He couldn't help puffing up his chest a little. His baby sister was proud of him.

Jamie barreled toward him, and Calli moved out of the way. Jamie leaped onto Gavin, winding her arms around his neck with her feet dangling above the ground. She kissed him on the cheek, the nose, the forehead, the cheek again, and finally the mouth.

He held her tight.Victory. But would Rory give Gavin the one thing he couldn't win in any tournament?

When Jamie at last dropped back onto the ground, Gavin kept his arm around her.

Rory approached again, his face a mask of stoicism. "We don't have a trophy for you, but I have something I think you've been wanting more than a trinket."

Gavin held his breath.

Jamie clenched her fingers in his shirt.

Rory clasped Gavin's free hand in both of his. "You have my blessing, Gavin. Welcome to the family."

Gavin grinned so big he thought his face might split open. "Thanks, man."

Slanting in, Rory murmured, "I lent you my secret weapon."