“What do you want?” I threw over my shoulder.
“I’m presenting you to King Tiane tonight.”
“Right.” I released a long breath. “Do you really have to do that?”
“I’ve given a promise, which, as a fae, I cannot break. If I fail to bring you to the ball tonight, I’ll end up in the Garden of the Cursed. Trust me, it’s not a place I wish to be.” He took a few slow, measured steps toward the chaise by the fireplace. “Everything and everyone presented to the king needs to be thoroughly inspected to ensure no harm comes to his royal persona.”
“Inspected?” I wrapped the robe tighter around myself. “Please tell me you don’t mean what I think you do.”
“I’m afraid it is exactly that, little bird. A law stipulates a thorough inspection by the Royal Council. As the king’s trusted advisor and the kingdom’s High General, I was able to convince the Council that the inspection by just one person would suffice in your case.” He leaned his hip against the high back of the chaise lounge. “That person is me.”
Voron flicked his wrist, and the flames in the fireplace sprung higher.
“Whoa!” I shrank back. “How did you do that?”
I couldn’t even start a fire on my own this morning. And he didthiswith literally just a flick of his hand.
“Sky fae have the power to control light,” he explained.
“And the fire, too?”
“Not exactly. Our magic can’t start or extinguish the fire. But we can dim its light or make it burn brighter. Is this comfortable for you?”
For me?
Right. He had toinspectme. Was he hoping to make me at ease by setting the mood and making the fire burn brighter?
I clutched my robe to my chest.
“You’re not touching me.”
My heart pounded inside my rib cage. No way I’d let him go ahead with this ridiculous “inspection,” or whatever it was he was planning to do to me. I had no idea how I would stop him, but I was ready to fight tooth and nail.
He didn’t appear to be in a fighting mood, however, making no move to come closer. Resting his hands on the back of the chaise, he spoke calmly, “There is no need for me to touch you. But I do have to see everything, in order for the inspection to be considered complete.”
“You’re notseeinganything, either.” I glared at him.
He held my stare, looking infuriatingly calm.
“Sparrow, I gave you a choice where you weren’t meant to have any. Would you rather the Council conduct the inspection?”
I shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, considering my options. This wasn’t much of a choice either way.
“How many people are on your Council?”
“Thirteen—” he cut himself off. “Are you seriously considering choosing them over me?” He sounded offended, like I’d hurt his feelings by not jumping at the opportunity to get naked for him.
I chewed on my lip. “It depends. If they are thirteen reasonably respectful women with a healthy regard for personal boundaries…”
“Only five of them are women. Most are shrewd and cynical. Many are judgmental and gossipy. None would hold back a snide remark or restrain from a poke, either physical or emotional.”
“Oh boy…” I exhaled heavily. Unease crawled up my back like tiny spiders. The Council didn’t sound like a friendly bunch at all.
Tugging at my ear nervously, I gave Voron an assessing look. He kept his distance, hovering by the fireplace as I remained closer to the door.