Letting the queen wait for just a little longer, he strolled to the abandoned canvas. The artist was one of the most famous in the kingdom for a reason. Even unfinished, the picture already had the signs of a true masterpiece. The face of the painting, however, lacked the scowl that graced the queen’s face directed at him.

“Lovely,” he commented on the painting, not its subject.

“Answer me!” the queen shrieked. “What was the fucking human doing in your rooms?”

“She wasn’tfucking. No need to worry, my queen.”

“Sadly,” he added in his head.

The queen ripped the majestic headpiece off her head, tossing it aside. “Whatwere you doing with her?”

Sooner or later, she’d know the truth. There was no harm in telling it to her now. Especially, since it would likely calm her down.

“I’m teaching her to play board games.”

“What?” The queen squinted at him in disbelief. “Why?”

“She asked me to. Sparrow is taking her role as the king’s new favorite very seriously. She wants to please the king, in hopes that he’d take her to his bed one fine night and finally give the kingdom an heir.”

The longer he spoke, the more bitter his sarcasm grew. Except that he could be as sarcastic as he wished, it wouldn’t change the fact that every word was true. He was stealing a few hours of Sparrow’s company now, in order to eventually lose her to the king completely.

He had no right to have any feelings on the matter. It shouldn’t concern him. He wasn’t involved.

The king was smitten with Sparrow. Sparrow was working hard to keep it that way. The queen cheered for them both. And there was not a single goddamn thing Voron could do about that.

He might’ve been able to organize this hunting trip for the king, making him believe it was his idea not Voron’s. But he couldn’t keep the king and Sparrow apart forever. Sooner or later, he would have to step aside and watch as the king led Sparrow into his royal chamber.

“Voron.” The queen descended from the platform, moving his way menacingly. “Sparrow belongs to King Tiane.Onlyto him.”

“I’m well aware of that.Iwas the one who delivered her to him.”

His insides twisted.Thesewords were also true. He saw Sparrow first, not the king. She should’ve been his, but he had no choice but to give her up. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

The queen was relentless. “No man’s seed shall fill the womb of the human but the king’s. Is that clear?”

He propped his shoulder against the heavy canvas and gave her a smile that felt like a scowl.

“As far asmyseed is concerned, you and your husband made sure long ago it was never to fill any womb whatsoever.”

“Right. It’ll do you good to remember that.” Pacified somewhat, the queen inclined her head toward him and lowered her voice. “The king and I aren’t cruel. If you need to take care of your…um,urges, you may visit Lady Susale. I’ll let her know—”

Voron stopped her with a jerk of his head. He’d accepted that offer before, when the “urges” had become painfully unbearable and the need for a woman’s touch had grown stronger than the need for air.

Lately, however, he’d been too preoccupied by a certain, unattainable human to even consider a court lady as a substitute. Prolonged abstinence wasn’t new to him. Refusing the queen’s charity was easy enough right now.

He peeled away from the canvas frame, straightening his spine.

“Much obliged, Your Majesty, but I’ll pass.” With a brief parting bow, he headed for the exit. “Best regards.”

“Voron!” she barked at his back. “Don’t let lust get to your head and force you to make a wrong decision. The crown needs you well and alive.”

And the crown had him. It held him, quite literally, by the balls.

He didn’t turn around, speaking over his shoulder.

“No need to worry, Your Majesty. Myseedwill come nowhere near your precious human. I’ve had decades to practice my self-control. And if it fails,” he lifted a hand over his shoulder, splaying it wide, then flexing his fingers. “I’ll take the matter in my own hands.”

“So crass!” He heard the queen gasp on his way out.