She frowned. “I’m not sure. Our ways parted for a while. He was gone from Sky Kingdom for eighty years.”

“Where was he all those years?”

“Down in the Below. He returned less than a century ago, during the time when Sky Kingdom was ravaged by wars. Voron joined King Tiane’s army as a foot soldier. With no family and no connections, he had to start from the very bottom.”

Kind of like me. It seemed Voron and I had more in common than I could’ve imagined.

Brebie continued, “He made it to where he is now by using only his courage, his mind, and pure determination.”

“That is admirable,” I agreed.

She squeezed my hand. “Talk to him. Ask him nicely. Make peace with him. I’m sure he’ll help.”



Iknocked on the door with one hand, holding the plate with my peace offering in the other. The magnificent swan made of meringue, pulled sugar, and pistachios was set in a wave of whipped cream surrounded by fresh strawberries. The dish was personally created by the head chef himself and cost me a set of bejeweled hair combs for the chef’s wife.

The swan was a true masterpiece. According to Brebie, meringue was Voron’s favorite dessert. But would it be enough to make him forget all the harsh words I’d said and the demands I’d made and agree to teach me to play that damn game?

As beautiful as the dish was, it didn’t seem enough as I stood by the door to Voron’s rooms, listening for any sound behind it. He was the High General, after all, practically running this palace for the king. He could get anything he wanted anytime he wished. What if he laughed at me or scolded me for showing up at his door uninvited?

What if he got angry and shut the door in my face?

What if he…

I was almost ready to forget about the whole thing and bolt when the door flew open and Alcon appeared.

“Lady Sparrow?” He peered at me with curiosity.

I’d seen Voron’s first lieutenant around Elaros often, but we’d hardly spoken. He moved his eyes from my face to the plate in my hand, and the curiosity deepened in his expression.

I smoothed a hand down my bright magenta skirts. This dress wasn’t see-through for a change, but it made up for it by being so bright, it hurt my eyes, and having the neckline so deep, it barely covered my nipples. I’d arranged a white scarf embroidered with tiny parachutes of dandelions around my neck. The scarf covered my cleavage, making sure I wasn’t sending any wrong signals by showing up here.

I’d been preparing myself to face Voron. Finding Alcon here instead was unexpected.

“I… Is Voron here? I mean the High General.” I cleared my throat and held up my head, strengthening my voice. “Can I see High General Voron, please?”

“Is he expecting you?”

I swallowed hard, my throat dry with nerves knotting my stomach.

“No. He… I mean, I was hoping he wouldn’t be too busy to see me this morning. Can he spare a minute to talk?”

Brebie assured me this was the perfect time of the day to catch Voron in his rooms—an hour or so after breakfast when most of his morning reports had already come in but before he left for his duties elsewhere in the palace.

“To talk about what?” Alcon inquired.

I hadn’t expected to answer so many questions before I even saw Voron. Usually, he was far more accessible. One couldn’t go through a day in Elaros without running into him.

“Um…a personal matter,” I mumbled. “Could you tell him I’m here, please?”

If Voron refused to see me, I’d have my answer. Then, I’d eat his damn swan myself.

“All right. Come in.” Alcon glanced at the fancy swan once again before opening the door wider for me to enter.

The space inside was a cozy sitting room with a fire burning in the hearth and some comfy seats arranged in front of it and along the walls.