I parted my lips, inviting him to take as much as he wanted. But he lingered, not moving at all. If I wanted him to kiss me back, I had to ask for it. I had to release him from his promise.
I didn’t think, I justfeltready to do it.
“Kiss me, Elex,” I whispered against his lips.
He didn’t need to be told twice. Immediately, his lips closed over mine.
I almost expected him to roll me to the grass and ravage me, starved for touch as he was. But he held back. The light sweep of his tongue was tentative, exploring. He seemed to savor the kiss, every tiny bit of it. He took his time, exploring what he had, without rushing to conquer more.
My anxiety eased, guided by the sweet sensation from his gentle, unhurried caress. Somehow, this proved even more intense. He made me feel not just with my body but with my entire being. Emotions I’d never experienced before—never even knew they existed—overwhelmed me. I needed more of this—his admiration, his affection, his reverence.
No one had made me feel like this before. And I feared no one ever would after him.
Fisting my hands into the grass, I pulled back.
He met my eyes. Sparks of desire danced in the impossible darkness of his pupils. I promptly dropped my eyelids, afraid to stare into the abyss that lured me.
“Um, it was…” I started, tripping over my words.
“Wonderful,” he finished the sentence for me. “It’s simply wonderful tofeelagain.”
He stroked my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. The burning desire in his eyes calmed to a wistful glow.
Maybe that was all there was to it for him? After the years spent in the near-death state, Elex had been rediscovering the world around him. For now, I just happened to be a part of that world for him.
He smiled, placing a quick kiss on the tip of my nose. “We should go. There are just a few hours left before sunset. And I’ll still need time to find suitable accommodations for the night for you.”
I packed the remaining water and fruit into the backpack, then pulled my phone out. “They have a decent Internet connection in town. I want to show you the pictures of the route we need to take and the location of our destination.”
I’d taken the screenshots of the satellite view back in town, figuring it’d be more helpful to him than the road map.
Elex studied the pictures for a few moments, then gave me the phone back. Next, he took off his t-shirt and handed it to me.
“The wings would break it,” he explained.
“Oh, right. I forgot.” So much for my efforts to keep him clothed. “The things I have to keep in mind when traveling with a gargoyle, I guess.”
I packed the t-shirt into the backpack, too, then swung it onto my back. Carrying it fell on me because of his wings. Though, he’d be carrying me, of course.
“Ready?” He opened his arms with an inviting smile.
I couldn’t hold back a smile in return, shaking my head. This was the most bizarre mode of transportation I’d ever used. But I didn’t mind it one bit.
“I’m ready.” I stepped into his arms, and he wrapped them tightly around me once again—better than any safety harness.
With a swish, his wings unfurled from his back, like two sails. I hugged his neck, watching them move up and down in powerful strokes, catching the wind and taking us high above the forest.
This time, I didn’t close my eyes. Looking down, I saw the ground fall away, the forest and the town growing smaller, blending into the surrounding green, brown, and gray.
It no longer felt as scary being this high. Elex had promised to keep me safe. The rhythmic movement of his wings, the caress of the wind blowing by, and the satisfaction of the food in my stomach relaxed my body, making my eyelids droop.
Snuggling into Elex’s wide chest, I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Is it okay if I just close my eyes for a minute or two?” I mumbled, fighting the sleep descending on me.
He leaned his cheek against the crown of my head.
“Sleep, Amber. I’ve got you.”