Page 30 of Fire in Stone

He remained motionless. Only his wings kept moving steadily as if on their own.

“Elex?” I called softly.

His chest rose with another deep inhale. “I’m the one who should apologize, Amber.”


He hadn’t been perfect, especially at first, but I’d met plenty of men who’d behaved much, much worse than he had, and they had never apologized for anything.

“I’m sorry I forced a kiss on you.”

Right. He had done that.

“And hugs,” I added.

“And hugs,” he conceded with a sigh.

He lifted his head, finally meeting my eyes. “Shifting after so many years spent as stone felt like an explosion of sensations. For the first time in so long, I feel a breeze against my skin, taste in my mouth, smells… So many smells all around. My head is spinning. But I keep wanting more. Everything that has been denied to me all these years… I want it all. And I want it all at once, even if it kills me.”

He groaned, stretching his neck. His arms felt a little too tight around me now. His honesty was admirable. But the passion with which he spoke was, frankly, a little intimidating.

“I…I’m not sure what you wantmeto do about that, Elex.”

If he was insinuating he needed to get laid, it wasn’t my problem, was it?

“Nothing.” He smiled. “There is nothing you have to do. None of it is your fault. I just want you to know I’m sorry I frightened you.”

“Alright.” Some of the tension drained from me, allowing me to relax a little. “I accept your apology for your behavior this morning.”

“You do?” His smile grew wider, making him more beautiful when I didn’t think it was even possible.

“But you’re wrong,” I added. “I do have something to apologize for, too.”

He squinted at me, then nodded as if remembering. “Right. You do. This morning—”

“No, not this morning, but last night. I kissed you without your permission. I’m sorry. I didn’t know there was a living person inside the stone.”

He looked at me as if expecting me to continue, but I stopped, just staring back at him.

“Is that all?” he prompted.

“What else?”

He arched an eyebrow. “How about you kicking me? In a very delicate place, I should point out.”

“Oooh, no.” I shook my head. “My apology is for kissing, not kicking. The kicking was well-deserved on your part. And if you touch me like that again without permission, I’ll kick you again.”

The bright glow deep inside his dark eyes flared higher.

“Thanks for the warning. But it won’t happen again. You’re safe with me.” There was a new quality to his voice that added weight to his words.

Feeling safe was a luxury I rarely had. Elex might be different from other men I’d met in my life, but that didn’t mean I would ever trust him unconditionally. Trust didn’t come easily, no matter what.

“We’ll see.” I glanced aside.

“Hey.” He slid a finger under my chin, lifting my face to his.

The gesture meant he was holding me with one arm only. Panic shot through me anew.