Page 3 of Accidental Fiancé

Perhaps I had come to rely on her a little too much in the guard dog department. I didn’t have time to think about it though, not with Chloe speed walking us into the reunion, leaving me to wonder how she managed it in those heels.

The ballroom had been set up with a DJ, a dance floor, tall tables and a full bar with several bar stools, a sign-up table near the doors. Colored lights pulsed to the music, and a few dozen couples danced while others mingled.

As I signed in and grabbed my nametag, Chloe stood next to me, hands on her hips, staring around the room. Lindsey Panier, the nametag table attendant, bit her bottom lip as she watched her. From what I remembered of Lindsey, she was the nervous sort, always scared about her grades and keeping her clothes clean at recess.

Chloe asked, “Lindsey, what did we agree on about the decorations?”

“Flashy, but classy.”

“Then why are the streamers hanging at the wrong angles?”

“Wrong angles? For streamers?” I asked. Was there such a thing?

“I hung them how you told me to.”

“Come on, Lindsey, we both know better than that. If you had hung them how I told you to, then I wouldn’t be asking about them now,” she replied, a predatory smile on her mouth. “Find the ladder and fix them, ‘kay?”

“Of course. Right away.” Lindsey took off before Chloe could nag her some more.

“The streamers are fine, Chloe. No one cares about that kind of thing.”

She took my hand in both of hers, patting the back of it, her fake, syrupy voice cutting through me as she spoke. “It must benice not to care how things look, but some of us do, and since I’m in charge of the reunion, I want it to be perfect.”

If I stayed around her much longer, I might chew through my tongue. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?”

She waved over my shoulder, ignoring me entirely. “Harmony! Over here!”

No, no, no.“I’m going to grab a glass of champagne…”

“Absolutely not! You don’t want wrinkles, do you?” Chloe said, whisking me toward Harmony.

Emma stood next to Harmony, and I instantly realized this was going to be a lot to swallow without liquid help. “Wait, you expect me to get through this entire reunion completely sober?”

“You were always so witty.”

She thinks I’m kidding.“Yeah. That’s me. The funny girl.”

“No, that was your girlfriend, Skinny. You’re the witty one. It’s probably why you two made such a good couple.” I jerked my arm free of her grasp, giving her my best forced customer service smile and patient tone. “Chloe, if I have to deal with your condescension and snide comments all night, then I’m going to require a drink. So, bar first, then Harmony and Emma, ‘kay?” I even added a little head tilt to soften my rudeness.

She studied my face for a beat then laughed. “Skinny made you funnier than when you were in high school.”

As she ushered me deeper into the reunion, I glanced longingly at the door.If Nora isn’t the next person to walk through that door, I’m running out of here.

A quick escape was half the reason I wore flats in the first place.


Chapter 2


Ipulled my car up to the valet, gave him my keys, then strolled into The Manchester Hotel. It was one of the nicer hotels in the city, and whenever consultants visited from abroad, my executive assistant often arranged for them to stay there. According to Inga, they had the smoothest sheets on the comfiest beds. I never asked how she knew that. No sense in creating HR drama for my company.

The interior was classy and polished. The front desk staff politely directed me to the location of the reunion after giving me my key card and sending my luggage to my room. So far, I felt good about my out-of-town consultants staying at The Manchester. As soon as I reached the doors to the ballroom, I stopped and pulled my phone out. I had to make a call before I went inside.

I stepped out of the way of a few revelers so I didn’t block the door as I waited for her to pick up. Piper’s sleepy voice answered, “Hello?”

It made me instantly smile. “Hey, Pip.”