Page 14 of Accidental Fiancé

“Once we figured out what happened and that he didn't mean any of his bullshit, Mom and Dad actually rekindled their romance. He took it upon himself to woo her and make up for his awful behavior.. They got remarried on their anniversary.”

He laughed. “Wow. That’s… wow. I thought he had an affair. She forgave him for that?”

“Actually, he didn’t. He made a deal with his dental hygienist to go on a few fake dates to make Mom jealous.”

“You're kidding me.”

“Nope. He thought she was having an affair with her tennis instructor.”

“Your mom would never!”

I loved how sure he was of her, even after all these years. “I know, right? Anyway, he wanted to make her jealous, and Diane felt bad for him, so she went along with it. Paranoia is one of the things that the stroke caused, and a mini-stroke is often a precursor to a massive stroke. The doctors said the signs resemble a midlife crisis, so most people never find out until they have the big one, and by then, it’s too late. But Dad hit his head on the job site and had to get checked out. That’s how they found it.”

“That’s crazy,” he muttered into his drink. “Your mom is a saint.”

“She made Dad build her a house to make up for it, but yeah, she pretty much is.”

“I’d say she more than earned it.”

I drained my negroni cocktail that was too strong yet not strong enough. Liquid courage. “Why play along with me tonight, Jules?”

He paused. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“You could be spending your night doing anything with anyone right now. Everyone knows your reputation these days.But you’re here, at our high school reunion, pretending to be my fiancé. How come?” I said it, repercussions be damned.

Julian ran his fingertip along the rim of his glass, staring at it intently. “I could be doing anything with anyone right now. And yet I choose to be here, doing this with you.”

“But why?”

He peered at me as if he could see right through to my soul. “Because I remember the kind-hearted girl you were, and kindness is something I have missed for a long, long time. I’m curious to see whether it’s still in you or if time stole it from you.” He covered my hand with his. “I don’t think it did.”

My mouth went dry from his touch. Lust rolled in like a fog set to blanket my insides. “Jules?—"

“They’re watching again.”

Oh. That.“Think we’re still selling it?”

“Not sure. But I know what will do it.”

“What’s that?”

He cupped my cheek and stared into my eyes. I knew what was coming. It wasn’t real, but not one part of me cared it was fake. My brain checked out as my pulse ticked up, and I became dizzy when his mouth slanted over mine.

Chapter 6


This time, the kiss wasn’t stolen. I wasn’t some jerk teenager, and Maggie wasn’t an innocent girl. When I kissed her, she tipped her mouth up to meet mine, synchronicity and intent wrapped in her lips, in the heat of doing what we wanted. She clutched at my collar, her nails grazing my skin when her fingers curled in at the edge.

She let go of my shirt a moment later—much too soon—and backed away. She blinked as if she couldn’t believe what she had done. “I’m sorry.”

Not the response I was used to getting after I kissed a woman. “What’s wrong?”

“I… I shouldn’t have done that.”

I laughed. “Maggie,Ikissedyou.”
