I loved the way he made me feel like I could do anything, the way he looked at me like I was the only woman in the world. I loved the way he loved Pip and the way that he cared for his family. The way he was always there, steady and strong no matter what. Even when I was at my worst, he stood by me. I couldn’t ask for more than that.
I kissed him again, harder this time, losing myself in the moment and the heat that was building between us. His hands were everywhere, my pussy, my hips, my thighs, pulling me closer, making me feel like I was going to come apart at the seams.
I breathed his name. My voice was barely audible as he rolled us over, his body pressing into mine. He rocked into me, an inch at a time, until we were joined in that perfect way. His lips brushed against my jaw. “I'm never letting you go.”
“You better not,” I murmured. Electricity flowed through my core, branching out and lighting me up from the inside.
We got tangled up in each other again, and before I knew it, he had me on his face, working his tongue against me, his arms banded around me. I bent forward to take him in my mouth. I loved the taste of him and the way he groaned as he thrust up into me. I purred on his length as his tongue worked my clit. An unbroken circle of pleasure.
My climax soared, and I came on his face until I shuddered and nearly collapsed. He slipped away, mounting me from behind before he slowed things down and rolled us onto our sides.
Julian clasped my hip with one hand to pull me backward on his cock as he thrust forward, all the while planting lazy kisses on my neck. “I love you so much, baby.”
I was too far gone to speak, too wrapped up in the pleasure he gave me. After a deep breath, I managed to murmur, “I love—oh, fuck!”
“That’s it, let me feel you come on me.”
I erupted on him. Sparks burst in my mind while my body followed suit. My head pressed back against his shoulder, but he held firm and grounded me to my body until I returned to it.
Julian gently bit my shoulder and declared, “My turn.” Then he went at me with a ferocity that made me want more. He gripped my hip and thrust inside of me, shocking my body into another orgasm that matched his own.
It was all so damn good. Every ounce of it. The sex, the love, the family, the messy, beautiful chaos of it all. I couldn't wait to see what came next.
Chapter 38
There was something about the way Maggie laughed that made everything feel lighter, like my responsibilities weren’t as heavy, the day not as long, and the world a little more manageable. I heard that laugh ringing through the open meadow as Piper chased after a butterfly, her little arms waving wildly in the air.
“Careful, Pip,” Maggie called out, shielding her eyes from the sun as my daughter zigzagged through the tall grass and wildflowers. California winters weren’t much of a burden just north of Malibu, and we were determined to enjoy it. Happiness had etched a permanent shape on her face over the past few weeks. Warmth and contentment had settled there since the chaos and excitement had died down. Her smile lines had intensified as though permanent now.
I hoped so.
We were free today, so she planned a picnic. The three of us were in the middle of nowhere—a field tucked away from the rest of the world with nothing but wildflowers, the scent of freshly baked cupcakes, and the occasional chirp of a bird to remind us that life existed beyond this moment.
I had never been this content. Not in years. Not since before my first marriage fell apart. After that, I was convinced romantic love was something I would ever have.
But here I was, sitting on a blanket next to the woman who had changed my life. I was the luckiest man alive, and I vowed to never forget that or take it for granted. I would show Maggie how much I loved and appreciated her every day for the rest of our lives.
My daughter, laughing and singing in the distance, caught our attention with a silly dance. When she stepped to the side, I realized she was mimicking a butterfly caught in the breeze. Piper’s tiny giggles blended with the sweet hum of the meadow.
“Look at her,” Maggie said. Her voice was soft as she leaned into me, resting her head against my shoulder. “She's so free.”
“She is,” I agreed, watching Piper twirl in circles, her dress billowing around her like a miniature flower blooming. She was happiness personified, all innocent energy and pure joy. I noticed she was like this more often ever since Maggie joined our little family. Happy, cheery. She was even sleeping better. Far fewer night terrors, down to one a week.
Piper’s doctor asked if anything had changed at home, and we explained our situation. After emphasizing that it wasn’t my fault, she added that sometimes kids can sense trouble with their parents, and that can cause night terrors. She reemphasized it wasn’t my fault and I assured her I understood, but part of me felt guilty anyway. The toils of fatherhood, I supposed.
“Dancing, carefree…” I felt Maggie smile against my arm. “She's like you.”
I raised an eyebrow, amused. “Like me? I don't know about that.”
“No, really. She's playful, always full of wonder. You give her that, Julian.”
I had always hoped that she would have those qualities. Whimsy. A wild imagination. I was always reading silly books and watching mindless movies with her. I had wanted to instill that sense of joy in her. I wasn't sure if I had done my job, but it was nice to hear that from Maggie. Still, it was hard to take all of the credit. Piper was definitely her own person.
I chuckled, shaking my head. “I think you give me too much recognition. She’s her own little whirlwind.”
Maggie gave me a knowing smile, one that told me that she saw far more than I ever gave myself credit for. She always did. She had a way of seeing the best in me, in Piper. In everything. It was one of the many reasons I loved her.