But then her voice turned sour. “The sex? Mmm, I’m not sure I should say anything.”
Say it. I need to know.My stomach flipped. What did I do wrong?
“I know you don’t like hearing about straight sex.”
Nora’s gay?
“Alright, alright. I have never come so many times in a night. Ever.” More of those infectious giggles. “Seriously, if you ever decide to try men again, I strongly recommend giving Julian a try.”
I am not a piece of meat. But… flattering. Kind of.
“His tongue should be insured. His fingers, his dick, the way he moves, it’s unreal. But there was this one thing… you know what? I shouldn’t say anything. He’d probably be weirded outif he knew I was telling you any of this, and besides, criticizing someone’s bedroom performance feels wrong.”
Again, my stomach flipped.Just say it!
“If you say so. I mean, most guys have something strange they do during sex, right?”
We do?
“When he was on top of me, I noticed he made the oddest face. And the sounds that came out of him, it was like he was a runaway train, like in the old black and white films. I half expected him to shout, “Choo, choo!” when he came.”
I wanted to die.
“And when he finally did, it got weird. Like everything between us suddenly became awkward, and…"
Wait—didn’t she say the opposite last night?
The door flew open, and there she stood, phone in hand. “When I caught him listening to my private conversation, I knew I had to get him back for spying on me by saying terrible things about his performance.” She held out her phone, showing me no one was on the line. Her smart-ass grin made me want to kiss the taste out of her mouth.
“You brat!”
She giggled hard. “You totally had that coming.”
“How did you know?”
“The lights are off in here. You blocked the light from under the bathroom door when you stood there.”
I sighed at myself. “Sorry.”
She shrugged. “I could have gone to the other room but screwing with you was too much fun. Breakfast is here.” As she turned to walk away I smacked her ass, making her whoop and dart for the living room.
We ate at the dining table near the windows. “So, how did Nora know about last night?”
“After you got in the shower, I checked my phone and had a dozen texts from her, demanding details. I knew I had to call her first thing—apparently, she showed up right as we were making our escape and she asked around. According to her, when Chloe said something about us being engaged, she played it off and told Chloe she thought everyone knew about our engagement.”
Maggie bit into a slice of crispy bacon and savored it, making me wish I’d ordered some too. “I think she was more surprised than I was about last night.”
“How so?”
“I’ve never done the one-night stand thing before. That’s more Nora’s territory than mine, so she was shocked to hear about it.”
“Yeah, I overheard you say something about her not wanting details about straight sex. She’s gay?”
“No,” she said with a shake of her head. “She’s a fetishist with a preference for women.”
“Come again?”