Page 29 of Cry for Help

Aimee and the W’s loved to talk, which was just as well because I didn’t have much to add. Darla eyed me warily, but asthe shots flowed, she relaxed slightly.

That was until the demons walked through the door.

I didn’t realize how drunk I was until I stood up, my body shifting from to the side as the world rocked like a pirate ship fairground ride.

I immediately recognized Caim with his red eyes, playful smile, and curved ram horns. The short-haired demon Murmur stood at his side like the embodiment of the Grim Reaper, with his golden retriever sidekick.

It seemed the Murmur had woken up, and he wasn’t pleased about it. I was willing to bet Stolas had sent him out after me.

Both demons zeroed in on me immediately. I would have said it was a coincidence, but they shot toward me like two bouncers, ready to kick me to the curb.

If I could speak, I would have petulantly whined:Not in front of my new friends!But I knew it was useless. The fun police had come to get me.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my wrist, tossing my hair away from my face and waving goodbye to Aimee and her entourage.

Darla spluttered when she spotted the demons, and I hid my satisfied grin behind my long hair.

Yeah, they’re with me. I snickered.

Caim sidled up to me, dipping down and heaving my swaying body against his. “We have whiskey at home, Maddie.” He winked.

“She probably wanted to get away from you, Caim,” Murmur said dryly, glancing over his shoulder as if he expected an attack from behind.

Caim blew a raspberry before he noticed the humans at the table. “Maddie, you didn’t tell me you have friends.”

“Asshole.” I signed.

Caim gasped. “So rude.”

“What did she say?” Murmur cocked his head to the side.

“Learn ASL, Prick.” Caim’s lips ticked with a smile. “Then you’d know.”

Murmur sniffed and turned away.

“Whoareyou?” Darla leaned forward

“Me?” Caim shot her an innocent smile. “I’m Maddie’s roommate.”

“Can demons even live in the human district?” Aimee muttered, staring at her drink as if it had personally wronged her.

Winston shrugged.

“Who cares?” Darla licked her lips.

Caim’s eyes flashed. Either he was going to jump across the table to kill her, or he planned to fuck her. I couldn’t tell which.

Something turned sour in my belly. Which was definitely the alcohol, and not for any other reason.

“Let’s get home.” Murmur interrupted the silent standoff. “Stolas wants a house meeting.”

Chapter Six

The second me and the two demons got outside, greeted by the frigid night air, I made a break for it.

The alcohol gave me the confidence to try and outrun them—never mind that I hadn’t run more than a few feet in the last ten years.

I looked over my shoulder, my chest burning and my head swimming with whisky.