Malphas had almost forgotten about Maddie entirely when he looked Caim in the eye and asked him. “What the fuck did you do?”
“Get in the car!” Caim shouted.
“Not until you tell me what you did!” Malphas barked back.
Caim jerked open the back door. “What the fuck is wrongwith Maddie?”
“Answer the damn question!”
“Asmodeus wanted Gremory gone,” Caim said through gritted teeth. “Gluttony is planning something bigger than this Red City. Bigger than us.”
Malphas bit back his anger. Fucking Caim. He knew the fucker had done something stupid the moment he’d disappeared from the party. Asmodeus had promised to help them regain their magic. Still, Malphas hadn’t realized that the Queen of Lust had an ulterior motive.
He should have known, but Stolas and Caim were the clever ones, and he’d followed their lead.
Malphas had thought Caim was busy fucking that human, Darla, but instead, Caim had been busy with anassassination.
Blood poured from Maddie’s mouth, and her teeth were locked so tight that it looked painful. Her eyes were entirely white as her eyes had rolled back in her skull—it almost looked like some kind of demonic possession. But not like any he had seen before.
He barely had his seatbelt fastened before Caim pulled away from the curb and the dead body in pieces on the sidewalk.
They made it to the end of the block before Maddie’s jaw unlocked, and she screamed.
She screamed.
And she screamed.
And Malphas felt both of his eardrums rupture.
The world grew very dark.
And all that existed was the scream.
Chapter Thirteen
Gasoline and the scent of smoke. My face was wet with blood, and the sound of crunching metal echoed between my ears as I came back to my body.
I tried not to move but couldn’t. A heavy weight pressed me into the backseat of the SUV. I squinted, my eyes stuck shut with blood. It took some maneuvering to wipe my face, but it didn’t make much difference.
The weight on top of me groaned—Malphas.
I remembered the elevator. Locking my teeth and holding back the scream.
Then nothing.
When I finally opened my eyes, broken glass covered us like confetti. My shoulder burned from the seatbelt, and my hair hung down strangely. The car was on its side.
Caim’s head hung loose, chin to his chest. Malphas was sprawled over my body as if he had tried to hold onto me as the car had lost control.
My throat burned.
The kind of burn that only came after I had loosened my scream.
I’d killed them. I’d killed Caim and Malphas.
My eyes filled with tears, and I stifled a sob. Maybe the firefighters would come soon, but the stink of gasoline was growing by the second.