She cocked her head to the side, studying me, before her face began to change like a thumb pressing against clay. My stomach lurched, the champagne burning my throat as it threatened to come up, as the woman’s sultry face disappeared, replaced by a man resembling Malphas.
The strange demon shot me a toothy grin, flashing a hint of a sharp fang. They tossed their fluffy blond hair away from their face.
The real Malphas’s eyes narrowed, but he bowed his head, dropping at the waist. “Your majesty.” He purred, though his expression was filled with displeasure. Unsure of the correct protocol, I copied Malphas and dipped into a short bow.
“Asmodeus. Queen of the Seventh Circle. She is without equal. Lust, embodied.” Malphas stated dryly, gesturing to the man in front of me.
His face changed again, back to the woman with siren eyes.
“Enchanté.” She held out her hand toward me.
I had no idea what she wanted me to do. Kiss it?
Asmodeus didn’t blink when I didn’t take her hand. Her cherry-red lips ticked with a grin. “Malphas. My delicious commander. Forgotten Prince of the Wastes. You made the finest statue. Were you awake in Lucifer’s garden? Did you know I visited you often?”
I pressed my hand to my belly, unable to squash the flash of jealousy. Asmodeus caught my discomfort, laying a hand on my shoulder.
“Malphas is a delightful lover. Her has the most remarkable—”
Malphas gave her a look that could kill a bird mid-flight.
“Feathers.” Asmodeus finished her sentence with a wink. “Such a beautiful raven.”
Malphas said nothing.
“I came to check on your progress.” Asmodeus nodded to each of us.
“We find the demons stealing the prisoners, and you’ll let us join your court,” Malphas growled. “That was the deal.”
“Have you found the prisoners yet?” Asmodeus quirked a brow. “It's awful for our reputation if people keep going missing.”
Malphas narrowed his eyes. “I understand.”
“I must mingle.” Asmodeus declared, throwing her hands up excitedly. “Try not to do anything I wouldn’t do.” She sashayed away before either of us could respond.
“Why did that sound like a threat? I signed.
“Because it was,” Malphas said, eying her as she left. “I thought she sent us because she couldn’t enter the Red City without consequence.”
“But she’s here.”
“That means she knows who is responsible, but she cannot make a move.” Malphas frowned. “Something’s wrong.” He stated, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. “We need to find leavenow.”
It was hard to pay attention to anything he said when I felt the warmth of his hand through the fabric of my sleeve. He had nice hands.Reallynice hands.
Malphas nudged me forward, racing for the elevator. When I didn’t move, he took my hand, pulled me forward, and pushed through the awestruck crowd as he tried to get as far away from Asmodeus as possible.
I swayed, tripping over my own feet. A shrill giggle left my lips, and Malphas startled at the sound. Asmodeus’s magic was going to my head. My nipples were hard, and I wanted nothingmore than to grab Malphas by his grumpy cheeks and plant a big kiss on his lips.
Distance didn’t help; the room was too contained, and I could feel the magic rolling over the room, washing against the walls like an angry tidal wave.
I felt it build in my throat.
I thought it was vomit.
I hoped it was vomit.
Blood pooled on my tongue as I locked my teeth together, anything to keep in my impending scream.