As the door shuts, I release a sigh of relief. The room is a bloodied mess. I need to discard of Chase but before that I need to free Eliana. I untie her mouth gag first and then move onto her hands and feet. “You’re going to be fine.”
“Please don’t send me back to Rowan,” she cries.
“I don’t have a choice.”
“He’s going to kill me.”
Perhaps the crazy is rubbing off on me because I’m almost certain he won’t. Rowan’s search for her alive is because he wants her back. I don’t know what future that means for her, but it can’t be my concern. I have my own damsel I need to save.
“I thought he loved me.” Her grey eyes are focused on a dead Chase.
I glance at him, too. “Maybe in the end he did.”
Eliana doesn’t respond because the door flies open and a bullet is fired across the room. Her eyes widen with fear as she touches her chest where blood pours out.
Maya stares at me. “Let that be a warning that even Brynn Jones does not tolerate betrayal and is capable of murder.”
The door slams shut behind her.
“Bad news,” I sayas I enter the hotel room. “Rowan is in town, and it looks like he is staying.”
Brynn turns to me with narrowed eyes. “You said I would be safe here.”
“He must know about my involvement. If that’s the case, then he’s here for me. I deleted all communication you had with Chase. You never existed in his life. But we need to be certain that he hasneverseen you with him before.”
She waves me off. “Our dearly departed Chase was never good enough to be welcomed into Rowan’s inner circle, let alone me.”
“Are you sure? Because Maya Adam's passport still has your face attached to it.”
She looks at me with suspicion. “Why wouldn't you change that?”
“Because you don't change more than you need to. If I changed your passport picture, then I'd have to hack into every system and change it on those too. That increases the chances of getting caught. All someone would have to do is show the fake picture to an ex-employee or student from your class and it would be gameover. Maya Adams has only disappeared, but still exists. So, I'll ask again. Has Rowan ever seen you with Chase?”
“No,” she grits out.
I take a calming breath. “Okay. Then we proceed as planned. Go over your basic details again.”
“I look hot as a redhead,” Brynn says, pouting at her reflection. “Why have I wasted my life being a blonde?”
“Will you focus?” I snap. “You’re meeting Xavier in a few days, and I need to make sure you’ve got this covered.”
“Blah, blah, blah.” She drops onto the bed. “My name is Brynn Jones. I moved back to London after living in Australia.” She breaks into a sob. “My heart is broken because my boyfriend cheated on me. And now I’m in this big city alone and I need a man to save me.” Her cries vanish as fast as they came. She dabs her tears away and shoots me a pointed look. “Is that good enough?”
“Xavier needs to know you are completely alone. You have no family. No friends. Understood?”
“A lonely damsel in distress.” She inspects his nails. “Please tell me he’s at least got an enormous dick. There needs to be something in it for me.”
Having enough of her fucking around, I drag her until she’s sitting. I get into her face. “This is not a fucking joke. And don’t forget, this is as much for you as it is for me. You wanted a new identity, a new life; I am giving you that. Don’t fuck it up.”
Her fingers brush over the fabric I yanked on. “Whatever. What else?”
“He’s looking for a mother. A woman who will serve him and his needs. I hope you like kids and cooking.”
“Gag,” she remarks. “But a sociopath is an excellent pupil and we aresuperbat faking our emotions.”