That diamond is the only physical proof I have that he murdered his mother. It’s the only leverage I have on him right now.
“You’re not getting it.”
“I figured you might say that. So here’s another hypothetical. Mia or Jordan?” He doesn’t wait for me as he disappears into the building.
I chase after him. “Xavier! What are you talking about?” The panic starts in my toes until it’s flooded my chest and takes away my ability to breathe.
He stops outside a door. “Mia or Jordan? Choose.”
I shake my head. “I’m not doing that! This is between me and you.”
He grabs my throat and chokes me. “You’re the one that invited them to the table to play. Their death is going to be in your hands.” He squeezes tighter. “Choose!”
I know Xavier well enough to know he’s not bluffing. “I’ll give you back your diamond,” I beg. “Let them go. They are innocent in all this.”
His blue irises turn to ice as he scowls at me. “I’m about to steal your innocence and taint you with the paint of blood.” He lets go of me and opens the door. “Let’s play, Savannah!”
Mia and Jordan, on the far side of the room, have their hands, legs, and mouths tied. Their tear-streaked faces and quivering voices send a chill down my spine, as the fragments of my heart splinter into a million shards. I run towards them and try to untie them, but I can barely see anything through my tears.
“I’m here,” I reassure them. “I’m going to get you guys out of here. He wants the diamond.”
Mia’s muffled plea is my name.
“He will not hurt you,” I cry. I turn to Xavier. “You won. I’ll give you your diamond! Let them go!”
He walks over and unties their mouths and instantly the room is filled with their cries. “You shouldn’t trust the promises of a liar,” he scolds them. “Get up, Savannah.” When I don’t move, he yanks me by my hair to my feet. “Choose.”
I shove him as hard as I can. “Choose what? I won’t choose which one gets to live!”
He pulls a gun out from the inside pocket of his suit. “Perhaps you have misunderstood the rules. You’re going to choose which one you’re going to kill.”
Mia lets out a scream and begs for her life.
My chest feels tight and I can’t breathe. “You’ve made your point. I concede. I’ll drop my court case. I’ll leave London and you will never hear from me again. Just let them go.”
“Stealing is a crime. You must pay for the consequences. Choose.”
I shake my head as I struggle to catch my breath. “I won’t do it. You can’t make me. I won’t kill my friends for your entertainment. You’re sick. Their lives aren’t a game!”
“Choose!” He takes a calming breath and straightens his suit. When he looks at me again, it’s with a smile. “Choose, or I will kill them both. It’s up to you. Save one and kill one.OrI’ll kill them both.”
“Kill me, Sav!” Jordan shouts. “I am so sorry! This is all started with me. If I never … oh god. Why did I tell Elliot to borrow that money from Cam? Just tell my parents that I joined Elliot in Bali.” His howl makes my knees turn to jelly. “Tell them I’m happy in Bali. Promise to tell them that, okay?”
“You’re not going to die,” I cry.
Xavier circles Mia and stops behind her. His fingers tuck her hair behind her ear, which only makes her scream some more. He wipes her tears as he shushes her. He cocks the gun and presses it to the back of her head. “Mia, it is.”
“No! Please. Don’t kill me.”
“Kill me, Sav! It’s fine.”
I back away from him. A string of no slips past my tongue. “I won’t.”
Xavier’s face holds no emotion. “I’ll kill them both. You know I will.”
“I’m sorry,” I cry. “I’m sorry I put you in this position. I’m so sorry.”
Xavier’s cold stare burns holes in the side of my face. “Tell them how you could have saved them.”