It’s clear the judge doesn’t like me because this time it’s a sarcastic smile in my direction. “The issue has been resolved. Mrs Ray-Hayes, you have three working days to surrender your passport to the courts. After which, paperwork will be issued, which will clearly state that Elise is to spend two nights withher mother.” Dismissing me, she turns back to Savannah. “If Mr Rivers fails to uphold the court’s decision, please let us know.”
“Your honour!”This is fucking bullshit.Instead of saying that, I say, “This isn’t fair.”
She’s already gathering her belongings. “Life is not fair, Mr Rivers. But I don’t believe someone with as much privilege as you has ever had to learn that. Let this be your lesson in how cruel life can be. Court adjourned.”
No longer being scrutinised, Savannah bursts into a fit of laughter, which trails behind her as she exits the courtroom.
Wanting to get the fuck away from this place, I grab my briefcase and storm straight out of there, but the devil’s taunt stops me.
“She really doesn’t like you.”
Giving in to her, I turn on my heels and glower at her. “I don’t know what you’re—”
She steps closer and cuts me off. “I’ll tell you what I’m playing at. With my passport sitting with those judges, there’s no way for you to kill me and tell everyone I went abroad. You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Mr Rivers.” Her mocking pout has me twitching to strangle her. “Are you missing mummy yet?”
But I decide to hurt her differently; one that will kill her more than I ever physically could. “Just because you stole my mother doesn’t makeyoua mother. You arenotElise’s mother. You never have been and you never will be. You were nothing but a glorified, overpaid oven. That was your only purpose.” I scan her from head to toe and feel disgusted that I ever wanted her.She’s not worthy of being my queen.“That and a hole for me to deposit my cum. You repulse me. And I will not stop until Ipersonallyburn your dead body. You’re not even worthy of becoming a diamond. I’m going to toss your ashes down the fucking drain so you’re swimming with the sewage. You are nothing but a worthlesswhore.”
Brynn hoists Elise further up her hip. She follows me up to the front yard with apprehension. My foul mood because of court this morning has her itching to get away from me. She’s hardly spoken to me and can’t hold my gaze. Worried she’d want to escape to her apartment, I put on my best smile and suggested we go out for dinner. Brynn tried to argue for a night in but I had other plans and a childless dinner was the perfect excuse.
“I thought you didn’t want her to have overnight stays with Savannah? I thought you said it wasn’t safe?”
Nothing is going to stop me from intruding on her little dinner party. I knock on the door. “She won’t mind. She’s been asking for more time with Elise. Plus, it means we can go somewhere nice for dinner.” I rap my knuckles on the door again, running out of patience. “I thought you would appreciate a night off.”
She looks at Elise with worry. “Is she going to be okay?”
This time I lay my fist into the door. “She’ll be fine.”
Finally, the door opens and we’re greeted by a scowling Savannah. “What are you doing here?”
“Mummy!” Elise outstretches her arms and leaps into Savannah’s. Her small arms wrap around her neck as if she’s worried Savannah will disappear into thin air.
She greedily accepts the affection. “Hi, baby.” She props her onto her hip. “Is everything okay?”
I walk past her into the hallway. “We were wondering if you could babysit her so we can have a night off?” I look around. “If you’re busy, don’t worry about it.”
She kisses her temple. “I’m never too busy for my baby girl. Do you want some dinner?”
Brynn hesitantly steps over the threshold. “I’ve fed her dinner. I’m sorry. If I knew she was going to spend the evening here, I wouldn’t have overstepped. We weren’t planning to go anywhere.”
Preoccupied with cuddles from Elise, Savannah waves her off. “Don’t worry about it. Do you want a snack? Huxley bought you some new treats.”
“Having a party?” I ask.
“Not really.”
I walk through to the living room to see Ray, Mia, and Jordan sat around the coffee table. They all stare at me. “What’s going on here?” I smile.
Savannah pushes past me into the room. “Games night. Ellie, say hello to our friends.”
Ray walks over to me and nods his head. “Want to join us?”
I walk around the room and inspect every detail. My eyes hone in on the fifth wine glass that remains unused. “Expecting another guest?” I ask, cocking my head towards the clean glass.
Mia holds up a pen and pad of paper. “We were just about to put some charade ideas in there becausesomebody,” she kicks Jordan, “got so drunk last time he tipped most of them into the bin.”
I hum under my breath. “How often do you have games night?”