All the pieces are slowly falling into place.
Ray created a new identity for Brynn. She was coached by Ray and Savannah before she entered my life at just the right moment. She lowered my guards by becoming everything I needed. Once inside, she served as their hands and eyes. She would block the signal while Ray hacked it and paused the recording on the empty room. While I thought she was sleeping or showering, she was sneaking around my house.
I should have seen this coming. Savannah practically told me Brynn was playing the game when she called her the red joker. Brynn was always there. Even when she had every reason to run the other way, she stayed, and I never questioned it, so desperate to have a queen protect me.
The biggest sign was the night they were all in her house. There was a fifth glass like they were expecting someone else to join. I had deduced that Mia and Jordan were helping, but that clean glass told me there was someone else. Brynn didn’t want to go to dinner that night. She wanted to go home to get her letters and books. When I pulled up at Savannah’s, she was evidently tense and worried.Was the traitor worried someone would let the truth slip?
When I open the encrypted email from Rowan’s associate, it only confirms what I now know. There are hundreds of pictures of Savannah and Ray. Some of them are individual shots of them doing ordinary things like leaving for work and carryingtheir shopping in. There are some of Savannah kneeling at her mother’s grave. Others show Mia and Jordan waiting at their front door.
And then I see Brynn.
It’s the middle of the night. She and Savannah are standing close together. I look at the date stamp and note it’s from before Brynn said she would befriend her to help take her down. She only needed an excuse to meet up with her. There are more pictures of Brynn with the rest of them. Some are out in remote public spaces, while others are her entering their house.
This is where she went every time she said she had an errand to run or she was going home.
There’s movement in the doorway. Brynn sighs. “I really wish you didn’t find that.”
I stand up and throw the device to the floor. “You’re going to wish you never met me.”
The Brynn I’ve known vanishes. The blue eyes that reminded me of a diamond have turned to ice. Her soft smile is now a taunting one. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Mr Rivers.” She steps into the room. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Who are you?”
“Brynn Jones.”
My hands tremble at her teasing tone. “Who are you?” I repeat.
She smirks. “Maya Adams.”
I step out from behind the desk and walk towards her. “Well, Maya Adams, I’m going to kill you.”
She tuts at me. “I don’t think you are.”
My chuckle slips out. “And why’s that?”
“Because I’m the only one that can save you, Mr Rivers. I know exactly how she’s going to take you down.”
Even I hear the amusement in my voice. “And why would I trust you?”
She pretends to think about it. “I don’t think you have a choice.”
“I’ll give you a five second head start,” I threaten.
“Who do you think handed Huxley to Rowan? It was me or her, and I chose myself. I willalwayschoose myself. So if it means my freedom, I will tell you how to stop her because I will not die to protect them.”
I’m missing something.
“What do you know about Ray and Rowan?”
“I’m the one that killed his brother and little girlfriend. Huxley agreed to protect me from Rowan as long as I protected Savannah from you.”
That explains the look on Rowan’s face when I mentioned Brynn earlier. I fight my smile. It doesn’t matter if I let Brynn go because she will meet her death at Rowan’s hands.
“You have a deal.”
She closes the distance between us and offers a handshake. Just as I place my hand in hers, she pulls out a syringe with her other hand. It’s plunged into my neck before I can even blink and I feel my body give in. I fall to the floor and gaze up at her.
She crouches down. “Your friend is a smart man. He has contingencies for contingencies and he made sure I would have to protect her.” She strokes my face. “This isn’t personal. It’s only because she holds the key to my freedom.”