I stalk off, because right now I want to put my fist through the wall. It’s been my biggest fear—that she’d run. It’s been her pattern, and I knew it from the start, so why am I so surprised that she’d leave me and the girls just like she leaves everywhere else? I walk in the room long enough to throw one more sentence at her.
“So it’s that easy for you to walk away from me? From the girls? I thought we had something.”
“We did. We do.”
I huff a laugh. “Really? Doesn’t seem like it. Not when you’re scanning for a new place in a new city in a different goddamn state.”
Ella and Poppy stare at me like I’ve grown two heads.
I grab my jacket; I need to cool off. “I’m going for a ride.”
I’m gone for most of the day, and it’s past sunset when I roll back up. I’m still down the street when I see a commotion in my drive, right in front of the house. At first, I can’t tell if it’s the girls wrestling around in the grass or what it is until I see an arm rear back and smash down as I’m turning in. I hit the throttle and roar up to the house, but the man hears my bike and disappears into the darkness.
By the time I slam on the brakes and jump off to chase after him, my gun drawn, he’s gone. I fire a shot into the air as a warning, or maybe more of a threat, then hear the sobbing and spin to see Grace curled up in a ball.
Holstering my weapon, I dash to her and cradle her to me. “Grace! My God. Are you okay?”
She’s in tears, but I see the trickle of blood from her mouth and the swelling along her cheek.
“Who did this? Who was that?” I’m ready to kill the man. I want to rip him apart. I’m on the verge of losing it. “Who did this?”
But Grace is trembling and perhaps in shock.
I pull my phone out and call my brother. “Brick, get me a paramedic here. Grace was attacked.”
Scooping her into my arms, I carry her inside to wait for them to show up. By the time the emergency vehicle turns in the drive, lights flashing, the club is right behind them.
I wave the paramedics inside and lead them to where I’ve got her on the couch. I’ve fashioned an ice pack for her, but she’s still shaking.
“If you could step back, sir.”
I do as they ask.
“Ma’am? Could you tell us what happened to you?”
“I was attacked. A man came out of the bushes. He jumped me.”
My club is waiting outside, but Case comes in and motions me to join him outside.
I follow him, and we talk on the porch.
“What happened?” he asks.
“Some guy was beating on her when I pulled in the drive. I jumped off my bike and pulled my gun, but he disappeared in the darkness.
“You know who it was?”
I shake my head. “She wouldn’t tell me.”
“Maybe she doesn’t know.”
“Someone has been scaring her. She keeps seeing this same guy, and every time she does, she freaks out.”
“She tell you who he is?”
“No, but she told me in not so many words that her ex was abusive. She’s moved around a lot. I’m beginning to think she’s been running from this guy.”
“Then we need to take care of him, VP,” Case decrees.