“Morning.” I slow at the sight of him. Usually, I’m up before him.
He twists and grabs a second mug off the counter behind him. “I poured you a cup.”
“Thanks.” I take it. “You’re up early for a Saturday.”
“Yeah.” He looks at the counter and wipes at some crumbs. “There’s something I wanted to tell you.”
I pause with the mug halfway to my lips. “Oh?”
“I probably should have told you sooner, but… there’s this toy drive every Christmas. My club takes part. We decorate our bikes and ride at the end of the Christmas parade, ending at the collection site to deliver our load of toys. Some are strapped to our bikes, and the rest of the haul we bring in a truck.”
“That’s nice of your club to participate.”
“Yeah, well… I wanted to ask if you’d bring the girls. They love to sit on the curb and watch us roll past.”
“I could do that. When is it?”
“Today?” I practically choke on my coffee.
“And afterward, there’s a party at the clubhouse. Prez dresses up like Santa and passes out gifts to all the children of club members. They love it.”
“Would you drive them up there? It’ll be a good time.”
“Lucky, I don’t know…”
“I know I told you I’d keep the club away from you, and I have. They’ve stayed away from the house. But the Christmas party is different. The kids are all there. You’ve got nothing to worry about. Everyone will be on their best behavior. I promise.”
I pause, thinking of everything he’s done for me, from the clothes to the security system. What he’s asking isn’t that much in return. “I suppose I could do that. When is this parade?”
“Three o’clock.”
“All right.”
“There’s another thing,” he says.
I arch a brow. “There’s more?”
“Um, traditionally, the ol’ ladies help decorate bikes. You’re pretty good at that sort of thing.” He gestures to the decorations around the house. “I was wondering if you’d help me with my bike.”
“I’m not sure how you decorate a motorcycle.”
“The girls are still asleep. Come to the garage with me, and I’ll show you what I’ve got. Okay?”
“I suppose.”
I follow him out.
His bike leans on its kickstand.
“I’ve got these battery-operated lights. I thought I could put one string around my handlebars and maybe the other around the backbar that I attached to strap all the toys to. I’ve got some garland, too. What do you think?”
“Um, give me a minute.” I pull my phone out and search for this type of thing. Judging by the results, it's apparently a common thing these clubs do. I see several really cool ideas. “Hey, look at this. These guys are all dressed up as Santa.”