“Why would I? She’s right. I don’t have those feelings for her.”
I surge to my feet and punch him in the mouth. He staggers backward, and I point a finger at him. “Then you shouldn’t have strung her along.”
Rafe spits blood on the pavement, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Fucking hell, Kyle. What was that for?”
“You know what it was for.”
He stares at me. “Guess I do. She was right—she did come between us. I should have never cut in on you the day we met her. I knew you liked her. I don’t know why I felt like it was a competition, especially when she and I had so little in common. I’m sorry about that, Kyle.”
“Well, it’s too late now, isn’t it?”
“She was right about something else, too.”
“What’s that?” I ask.
“She was right when she said I’ve used you.”
“She said that?”
“She did. Not sure it was intentional, but I took advantage of you. I’m not sure I realized you felt guilty for what happened to me. I figured you felt sorry for me. And deep down, that pissed me off.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry for how I acted. Sutton was right. I don’t need you to fix things for me. I just need you to be my brother. If she’s it for you, you should go for it.”
“Go for it?”
“Yeah, go after her. You’re the one she wants. Everyone sees it, even me.”
“And you don’t have a problem with that?”
He grins. “Not saying I won’t give you hell, but I want you to be happy, Kyle. If she’s the one, then you should be with her.”
“For real?”
“You get I don’t blame you, right? I had no idea you carried that guilt for what happened to me. Just tell me you know that, brother.”
I hold out my hand, and when he takes it, I pull him in for a hug. “I never wanted a woman to come between us, Rafe.”
“She won’t. You two belong together. You should get her and bring her back.”
Rafe’s phone goes off, and he answers it. “Hey, Ma. What’s up?”
He walks away for a minute, then returns.
“What is it?” I ask. “Is everything all right?”
“She gave Sutton a ride to Diridon Station after the fight, but she doesn’t know where she went.” Rafe searches my eyes. “She could have caught a train to Stockton or a bus to Santa Cruz.”
“Santa Cruz is where we found her. Why would she go to Stockton?”
“She told me once she had a friend there.”
He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
I pull my phone out and try to call her, but it gives me a message that says it’s not in service. “Her phone is off.”
“How’re you gonna find her?” Rafe asks. “We don’t even know where to look.”