Page 70 of Kyle

“I’m sorry about that. Guess you can claim workman’s comp.”

“I’m not going to do that, Kyle.”

“Rafe’s on his way. They just hit town. I told him to meet us here.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

“Sorry it took so long for me to get here. It took me a few minutes to unhitch my pickup from the food trailer.”

“You could have stayed and worked. You didn’t have to come.”

“Yeah, I did.” Kyle stands there, a ballcap in his hand, squeezing it and bending the brim. He looks like he wants to say something, but before he can get the nerve, the doctor comes in.

“I’m Dr. Kendall. Let’s have a look at that hand.”

Before I know it, he and a nurse have crowded Kyle, and I see him step outside the curtain. The Doctor examines me, then prepares a hypodermic needle.

“This will pinch, but it’ll numb the pain.”

And then he cleans my wound and put two stitches in. Afterward, it doesn’t take him long to bandage me up.

I hear a scuffle and raised voices in the outer room. The doctor and nurse look at each other but keep going. Once they’re finished and step out, Gigi slides back in.

“They’re getting the paperwork to release me,” I say, then hold my hand up. “Two stitches.”

She nods but doesn’t smile.

“What’s wrong?” I frown. “What was that commotion?”

“Rafe and Kyle got into it.”

“What do you mean?” Fear flashes through me.

“Rafe was pissed you got hurt, and he was also pissed you two were out of town for so long. He acted like Kyle did it on purpose.”

“That’s absurd,” I hiss.

“I know. Kyle tried to tell him that.”

I roll my eyes. “Men can be so sophomoric.”

“Yeah, they can.” She glances nervously toward the hall.

“What is it?”

She sighs. “There’s more.”


“Rafe challenged Kyle to a cage fight.”

My brows lift. “Did you say cage fight?”

“Yeah. There’s an MMA cage in the back part of the clubhouse. They hold fights about once a month.”

“You’re kidding.”
