Page 47 of Flesh and Fury

“Yes, yes, I know but now, you need to jump into the shower so you don’t smell like come when we meet with Rana and Andy. And I needed to get done with mine before you, so I’d have time to call the chief and update her.”

“Well, aren’t you just a little squirrel on speed this afternoon,” Ari said, shaking his head side to side with every word. “Are you strung out on coffee or what?”

Eoghan laughed. “I’m just crazy about you.”

Ari kissed him quickly. “I’m pretty crazy about you too.” He let go and walked to the shower to turn it on. “What did you tell her?”

“Who?” Eoghan asked.

“Who? Our boss. Isn’t that what I asked you?”

“Yes, but that was like ten minutes ago,” Eoghan said, chuckling.

Ari growled.

“Fine. I told her we were successful with Colorado and filled her in a little bit about Red Crow’s hesitations and that he’s probably just trying to look like his own man with the elders in his tribe. I also told her about how helpful Rana was in convincing him to support our plans. I think she was pleased.”

Ari nodded, stepping into the shower. “Keep talking. I’m listening.” He stuck his head under the spray and wet his head before grabbing shampoo and pouring some into his hand. He soaped up as Eoghan continued to talk loudly over the sound of the running water.

“She sounded really pleased, like I said.”

“Good. What else?” Ari asked, working the shampoo through his hair as he opened one eye a tiny bit to see his lover standing in front of the bathroom mirror, putting shavingcream on his chin. He was still in the towel which showed off a hint of his tight ass as he moved this way and that.

“She said she hasn’t heard from the dragons or whether they were successful with the clan in Wyoming but that doesn’t come as any great surprise. Those two aren’t the most forthcoming shifters out there, and if you remember, they’re not so great with the whole communication thing to start with.”

Ari ducked his head and rinsed off the shampoo, blowing bubbles before stepping out of the spray and swiping a hand over his face. “I remember.”

“Yeah. So, anyway, I guess that means you’re all caught up.”

“I guess so, yes,” he replied as he washed his pits and groin with the bodywash Eoghan had left in the shower. “Did she ever tell you who Severin and Invictus had gone to meet?”

“No, but then again, it’s not like we’re Facebook friends or pen pals,” Eoghan said.

“Ouch!” Ari hissed, as soap ran into his eye and he glared at Eoghan’s grinning face in the bathroom mirror. “Son-of-a-bitch!”

“What?” Eoghan said, sobering as Ari heard his voice move closer.

“Nothing…soap in my eye,” Ari explained, stepping under the spray again to wash bubbles and gel off the rest of his body as he rubbed at his eye.

“Anyway, yeah, I haven’t heard who they went to talk to,” Eoghan said, going silent as he shaved around his mouth, then brushed his teeth and left the bathroom while Ari finished up.

“Hey, it’s not even four-thirty. What do you say we get a drink at the bar downstairs before the shifters arrive for dinner?” Eoghan asked through the door. He was dressed in dark, skinny jeans and was pulling a forest green polo shirtover his head. The color made his blue eyes glow in the light from the bathroom. His black hair was brushed, and he looked so gorgeous, the sight of him simply took Ari’s breath away. He smiled back at him.

“I think that’s the best idea,” Ari said. “The chief wants us flying out tomorrow, yes?”

“Yes,” Eoghan replied. “Like I said, she still hasn’t heard from the dragons so we really aren’t on a critically tight timeline other than the fact that John Townsend has been waiting long enough.”

“Good.” Ari ducked back into the bathroom and finished up at the sink after brushing his teeth, plucking out several gray hairs, knowing it was a losing battle, and trimming his beard. When he stepped back into the room, Eoghan was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him.

“Hello handsome.” He smiled.

“Hello handsome.” Ari got into his clothes while Eoghan waited and then grabbed his watch before scanning the room and cursing to himself. “Dammit.”


Ari set his hands on his empty waistband. “I don’t like not having my firearm. I can’t believe we didn’t stop and grab one or ask Priest to have Rana or Red Crow bring one for us. Walking around unarmed feels wrong, just so wrong.”

Eoghan frowned. “Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I hate being without my gun. I feel half naked.”