Page 16 of Blood and Bone

Eoghan smiled at the little guy and looked back at Ari just in time to catch him yawning. He glanced back at Elroy. “Well, it was great seeing you, Elroy,” he said. “You be careful and don’t lose too many Kron to the Dorbals.”

“Eee…Dorbalsss!” Elroy lifted two feet on the right side of his body and stomped them on the palm of Eoghan’s hand, looking exactly like a salamander would if he were stomping his feet.

Ari was beginning to understand that the stomping was probably something Powmay did when they needed to show strong emotion. He couldn’t do anything but grin. “It was really nice meeting you, Elroy. High-five.” He held up his hand to the creature, and Elroy turned his many eyes to look at him. Ever so cautiously he held out his tiny three-fingered hand and high-fived him. It was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen.

Eoghan wished him well and then squatted again, lowering his hand so that the small Powmay could jump onto the asphalt and join his brethren in dragging the ancient Twix bar back behind to its hiding place. It was the strangest thing he’d ever seen in his life. When Eoghan straightened, he couldn’t help but sling an arm around him and pull him close. He kissed him on the mouth and then embarrassed himself by yawning.

“Oh, my God, I need to put you to bed,” Eoghan said, leaning into his side.

Ari tenderly gazed down at him and then lowered his face to kiss him on the lips. When Eoghan wrapped his arms around him and kissed back, it felt just perfect. They separated and turned to go back to the room when Ari stopped, chuckling. “I forgot what I came for.” He turned and perused the pop selection, relieved when he spotted a lone water bottle inside. After purchasing it, he walked back to Eoghan and puthis arm over his shoulder, before sauntering back across the parking lot toward the motel with his man.

He jumped into the shower and washed while Eoghan brushed his teeth and then switched places, only climbing into bed when they were both smelling a hell of a lot better than they had all day. He stretched out in the queen bed, and Eoghan rolled into his side, laying his head on his shoulder, a position they were both well acquainted with since it was how they slept most nights. He yawned widely and then looked over at Eoghan who watched him with an amused expression, something he could see in the darkness thanks to the moonlight which streamed into their room through cracks in the miniblinds.

“Why’re you smiling?”

“Why? Because you’re just as tired as I am, Ari.” He punctuated his sentence with a yawn of his own before curling against his side and letting out a big sigh.

Ari tightened his arm around him and then leaned down and kissed his forehead. He’d had every intention of doing wonderful things to his body before suddenly needing to find water, but he could hardly keep his eyes open. Maybe it had been the hella long drive, the very heavy meal, or the prospect of getting up early to meet with the tribal police to start what might possibly be a kidnapping case, but he was beat. He felt bad that he was about to renege upon his promise to give his lover a good fucking but just as he opened his mouth to say so, he heard a soft snore coming from the sweet man cuddled against him. He smiled in the dark, leaning down to kiss the top of Eoghan’s dark head, noting the way his soft hair still felt damp. He pulled him closer, closing his eyes, and drifting off to a peaceful sleep with the special man in his arms.

Ari gradually came awake, first aware that he felt good, then as his mind began to clear and shake off the dream he’dbeen having, horny as hell. “Mmm,” he said, groaning as he realized the slow, wet suction on his cock was the reason he was feelingsogood. It took a moment for him to remember where he was as he opened his eyes and glanced around the dark room. The Embassy Suites wallpaper and room service menu on the small motel table snapped him back to reality, but it was the unbelievably slow way Eoghan was sucking him that made Ari fully aware of his surroundings. He slid his hand beneath the sheet, seeking out the head bobbing at his groin, finding Eoghan’s soft, black hair, and cupping the back of his head.

Eoghan hummed and tightened his lips around his dick, speeding up, clearly encouraged by the fact that he’d woken him. Ari threw back the covers and gazed down at Eoghan in the predawn light to get a nice view of his cock disappearing into his gorgeous mouth, over and over again. Tingles rushed up his spine as he watched the top of Eoghan’s head, encouraging his ministrations with a light pulling of soft hair. When he moaned around his cock, it sent shivers racing over his skin.

Ari was becoming used to having Eoghan in his life, never before having been afforded the opportunity to indulge himself in a whole lot of sex. Then again, living in the Bible Belt wasn’t really conducive to the kind of sex Ari enjoyed.And even though his mother and father had been surprisingly resigned and even accepting of the fact that he was a gay man, it didn’t mean everyone was. His own brother, although mostly okay with his sexual orientation now, hadn’t been a fan of it when Ari first came out to him. He’d been convinced being gay was a weakness of character, but had eventually come around when hisownbest buddy in the Army had also come out to him.

At the moment, though, it was all Ari could do to concentrate on not ending this amazing feeling when it had barely started. He tried not to think of how quickly his climax was approaching and instead thought of how desperately he wanted to taste Eoghan before that happened. He tugged on his hair until he paused what he was doing, glancing up with his lips still stretched around the cock in his mouth. With wispy, black strands of his hair tumbling over his forehead, he looked like a goddamned porn star.

“Come on up here, baby. I don’t wanna come yet and I’m way too close. If you don’t stop, I won’t be able to, and if that happens before I get to taste you, it’d be a crying shame.”

Eoghan smiled around his dick and gave it one last suck before slowly pulling off. He kissed the bulbous head and shifted on the bed. He sat back on his heels, taking hold of his own rampant erection as the sheets slid down his back to the bed. Ari held out both arms, and Eoghan crawled over him, laying on top of him and meeting his lips as their bodies fitted together perfectly. The moment their lips met; Ari felt like he had the very first time Eoghan had ever kissed him in his house. The way he’d surprised him in the living room and practically attacked his mouth to keep him from leaving in a fit of bad temper.

Of course, Ari’s reaction to the kiss had been to grab Eoghan, turn, and slam him up against the front door where he proceeded to maul his mouth until they were both breathless, panting, and grinding against each other. It had been a heady and overwhelming experience, just like it was right now. Every time they came together hard and naked like this, Ari felt like it was that very first time.

Christ, that first time…it felt like yesterday.

The way he’d almost lost his mind when he’d seen Eoghan’s naughty, lace underwear the first time. The wayhis gorgeous, erect cock had been outlined by straining lace. His sweet smelling precome had literally been leaking right through the holes which seemed to have been designed just for that.Jesus…the way it had tasted on his tongue through the lace. The memory made him groan out loud and in response, Eoghan lifted his head, looking down at him.

“Am I too heavy?” He tried to move off, but Ari tightened his arms around him and chuckled, gaze fixed on Eoghan’s bright eyes.

“No, baby, but I do want to suck you off. Would you let me?” He reached down, sliding his hand between them as Eoghan moved to give access. He slid his long fingers around the thick shaft and once again, found wetness there. Eoghan leaked so sweetly when he was turned on, and Ari hadn’t found a way to get past how fucking hot that was. He fisted Eoghan’s tight erection and pumped him up and down between them. “Please…let me suck you,” he begged when Eoghan hadn’t answered.

“Whatever you want,” Eoghan singsonged happily before rolling to his back.

Ari grinned at him in the dusky light and waited to trade places with him on the bed. He moved between Eoghan’s legs, taking both knees into his hands and pushing them back as he gazed down at his lover’s swollen dick. Eoghan Sapphire was a beautiful man. From head the toe the man was delicious to look at. His mouth jetted with saliva as he caught a whiff of the tea tree and almond scent coming from his body. It was a smell Ari had come to associate with Eoghan…as familiar as the gentle curve of his ear or the crystal blue of his eyes. He adored it and as he stared down at his leaking cock, his mouth watered.

He lowered his head and licked a path all the way from his lightly furred scrotum, up his cock and down again, stoppingto nuzzle into the soft sac with his nose before licking a path downward over his taint. He smiled to himself when Eoghan grasped his knees and pulled them higher and wider apart, baring his sweet, pink hole to him as if begging for him to continue downward. Far be it for Ari to balk at such an unspoken request. After all, he was an accommodating guy. He scooted lower in the bed and then dropped a kiss onto his hole, making it pucker reflexively before licking around the rim and then poking his pointed tongue right through.

Eoghan’s taste was like nothing he’d ever tasted before…then again, before meeting Eoghan, he’d never rimmed a guy before. It had been done to him and he’d loved it but before becoming intimate with this man, he’d never had a desire to. Then again, he’d never had a relationship with a man as long as he’d been with Eoghan which though scarcely two months, hadn’t happened. He’d certainly never felt intimate enough with another guy to want to taste him here. There was something so much more personal about this than a blow job, though, he wasn’t sure why.

The musky taste of him combined with the almond and tea tree oil, and all of a sudden, Ari felt utterly on fire for this wonderful man. Possessiveness raced through him, warming him in ways he hadn’t known he needed, making him feel so much more vulnerable than he ever had before. If this was what it felt like to feel truly intimate with someone, he wondered why he’d hesitated to do it before. Then again, the answer to that question was simple and it was right in front of him. None of his previous lovers had been Eoghan Sapphire.

He continued to tongue and suck Eoghan, drawing out gasps of pleasure as the man literally vibrated beneath him. The more he wiggled and bucked, shaking as Ari laved and kissed and sucked, the more he felt like a million dollars. No wonder men liked doing this to their partners. Aside from theutter decadence and deliciousness of the act, the very fact that there was something forbidden about it, made himpainfullyhard and almost desperate to come.

“Ari, please—” Eoghan suddenly cried. “I’m gonna come!”

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ari’s brain screamed at him as he reached up and wrapped his cock with his hand, pumping it in his fist as he laved him one last time before moving back up to take one of his balls in his mouth.