Page 2 of Tooth and Nail

“The reason you were alone out there is because you’ve sabotaged the last three partners I’ve set you up with.” When he opened his mouth to reply, she held up her hand. “Shut up, Sapphire! I’ve had it with you. I know you were devastated when Glad was killed. I know that’s why you’ve resisted everyone I’ve sent to work with you in the last six months, but this is the last straw.” She poked a finger into the desk with every word she spoke to emphasize them. “I don’t know if you noticed the size of the vampire you chased down tonight, but the man was starving to death. That shouldn’t be possible, not with registered live donors who travel on and off the reservation as well as bottled blood which is certified by the FDA and readily available.”

“You don’t think I noticed?” Eoghan asked. “I carried his scrawny ass for almost two miles to the tunnel entrance at the Expo/LaBrea station where you set up, not to mention what I put in my report. He moved as slow as molasses. Even with my tactical goggles, there’s no way I should have been able to get the drop on him, not with his advanced hearing and eyesight down there.”

“That’s just what I’m talking about. You were damned lucky this one was starving. I could have been calling your next of kin instead of standing here dressing you down. I’ve made up my mind, Sapphire. You’re getting a new partner and this time; I won’t allow you to run him off.”

Eoghan sighed as she pushed off the edge of the desk and walked back to her seat. She picked up a gray file folder, and opened it, sliding it toward him across the glass.

“Meet Aristotle Brown, your new partner.”

Eoghan picked up the file folder and frowned down at the face looking back at him. He had lighter eyes but mahogany brown skin which looked as creamy as butter. The black hair was sprinkled with a few grays here and there. He wasn’t young but was definitely human. He noted the U.S. Marshals badge hanging on a chain around his neck was from Lexington, Kentucky. He looked up sharply as the implication dawned on him.

“The I.S.R. doesn’t have an office in Lexington, Kentucky.”

“No, we don’t,” she replied, shaking her head.

“Oh, fuck no!” Eoghan said, slamming the folder closed and holding it up in protest. “He’s a civilian?”

“He’s a U.S. Marshal and a former Army Ranger sniper with a better record than you at the gun range and in fact…yeah, pretty much everywhere, Sapphire.”

“Not fair.”

She shrugged. “Meet him, Sapphire. He’s a good man. I don’t know if you know this, but you’ve got quite a reputation in the I.S.R. units. No one wants to work with you.”

“Because of Glad,” he said bitterly, hearing the pain in his words.

“No, Sapphire. Because you keep running your partners off.”

“I don’t need a partner.”

“Youdoneed a partner and you will take Brown. Like I said, this is your last chance. If you can’t get along with him, I’m shipping you back to civilian duty…if anyone will take you.”

Eoghan groaned. “But, boss, he’s a civilian!” He tossed the file onto the desk between them as he stood up abruptly. “I’m not training a civilian!”

She sighed. “He’s not a civilian, Sapphire. He’s a capable man who will make a great partner. He needs to learn the basics, that’s all.”

“Chief, I—”

“No more!” Priest slammed her hand down on the desk. “You know you’re one of my favorites, but I’d just as soon transfer your ass as have this argument with you even one more time. Brown’s your new partner. That’s final.”

Chapter One

Eoghan watched a lone vehicle pull into the parking lot of the Griffith Observatory and stop. He’d parked right where he’d been told.

“Right on time.”

He turned to look at the chief who stood beside him and then sighed deeply before looking heavenward. A vast array of stars lit up the sky, though they’d seem even brighter if they’d been standing out in the desert where a multitude of lights from Los Angeles couldn’t mute their beauty. He glanced back at her.

“How did you explain what the I.S.R. does, Chief?”

She smirked at him. “I haven’t.”

“What do you mean?” Eoghan asked. When she didn’t immediately answer and instead simply smiled at him, waiting for it to sink in, his eyes opened even wider. “You mean, you never told him what the unit does? He just thinks this is some obscurely odd branch of the U.S. Marshals office?”

“I wouldn’t exactly say we’re obscurely odd, Sapphire. We do the same things other U.S. Marshals do…fugitive recovery, prisoner transport, witness protection, and filling in for sheriff duties when needed. Aristotle Brown has the same skills as any other U.S. Marshal. He just has incredible marksmanship and fugitive recovery skills that my team is sadly lacking as well. You know Gladys was our best tracker and besides her death being a terrible personal loss to us, we are in need of a replacement. According to Brown’s file, he’s just what we need, on top of being a former Army Ranger with all the skillsthat entails.” She looked back at the parking lot. “No, I think Deputy Marshal Aristotle Brown is perfect for us.”

“If you say so, Chief,” Eoghan muttered. “I really wish you’d told him what we were. He’s coming into this totally blind.”

“We all did, Sapphire. Or did you forget what your reaction was when you joined the team?” She looked over at him.