There’s a collar around her neck. A chain dangles between her bare breasts, disappearing into the sea below her. She pulls and pulls but can’t break free.
On the manacles around her are symbols etched into the metal. They glow.
Except for the one on her left hand. The manacle remains, but there is no chain. No glowing symbol.
I know that symbol…
She’s tethered to the sea floor and shackled to the mountain.
Trapped. Caged.
I don’t think I have ever been so utterly terrified. My heart actually feels as though it’s stopped, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to drop dead with fright.
I find my voice when hands scoop under my arms and hoist me to my feet. I scream and start attacking, lashing out at whoever has me.
‘QUIT HITTING ME!’ Dorian yells, gripping my wrists and taking horrified glances behind me. ‘Gods have mercy on us. How have you brought us here?’
I spin to face the great woman as he pulls me to his chest, wrapping his arm around my belly to keep me close as he continues stepping backwards.
She looks at me and opens her mouth, screaming my name with such ferocity the mountain behind me reacts, spewing fire and lava into the sky.
She lifts her chain and slams it into the ground. Those in the blood claw their way through the thick syrup, desperateto get to her. To reach the great woman who watches us both, their hands seeking her out as they cry and plead.
When she sees Dorian, she tilts her head to the side, her frown deepening like she can’t understand what she sees.
‘Shadow Master. Did you bring me my gift? Give her to me, slave.’
Her voice is velvety smooth. It’s pure allure and a sensual promise.
Dorian steps back, taking me with him.
‘Give her to me, and I will free you from the blood queen’s curse.’
‘Dorian?’ I whisper, amazed that any sound made it past the terror swelling in my throat. ‘You know her?’
‘Give her to me,’ she repeats, her hand reaching out for us palm up. Her voice so enticing. Alluring. ‘Give her to me as you swore you would.’ An entirely different fear grips my heart as I hear those words.
“As you swore you would?”
I look back at him, but there is nothing on his face that tells me he has anything but hatred and fear for this being. I see something else, too. Recognition.
I look back at her, and her name escapes my lips. I know who she is. I know how she knows him, too.
‘The goddess Hel…’
‘Give me my blood slave, Shadow Master.’
‘Run.’ He takes my hand. ‘Run, Ashe!’
We flee.
Hel starts to scream, throwing her head back and shaking her head so violently that blood showers us and the beach. It falls like rain from her hair and body as she roars and tugs against her restraints, her hairflying side to side in her rage.
‘Betrayer!’ she screams. ‘Liar!’
Dorian drags me on, pulling me further away from the raging monster. But where do we run? If that truly is the goddess Hel herself, then we are in Hell. And there is no escape. We stop only when vines break up from beneath our feet and spread around us. Thick and purple, they resonate with a powerful and ancient earth magic.
‘What are you doing?!’ Dorian demands, struggling as the vines entangle themselves around our ankles.