Page 30 of Her Blood Revenge

I’m running. Running from the stones. The crushing. The blood and a furious Dream Walker who roars my name in the distance.

Chapter seven

The Wolf

The smell hits me in a second. Blood. Shaw’s blood. It slams into me like a wave that chills me to my core. He’s bleeding. Far more than he should be. I go to the still-open window.

His voice carries in the distance.

Pixie. He’s calling after her with angry desperation despite the weakness of his voice.

Panic grips my insides, crushing my heart and lungs as if trapped in a vice of iron. Has she been attacked? Is she hurt, too? I inhale deeply but can’t smell her.

Gripping the axe, I leap through the open window and sprint towards the scent of his blood, only to find him on the ground, smothered in thick roots which keep him pinned down. His eyes stare into the distance, and I can’t tell if terror or rage fills his gaze.

A massive chunk of flesh has been torn from his neck. Blood soaks his skin and clothes. But still, he tries to break free of the roots, desperate to escape the unrelenting earth magic keeping him stuck. For every one he snaps, another takes its place, strapping him to the earth and pulling him down. Pix’s black robe lies abandoned at his side.

She did this. There’s no question. She attacked him and ran. I grip the thick roots. Others start to entangle aroundme, determined to pin me down, too. I pull away, snapping them before they get firm enough of a grip.

‘Go!’ Shaw commands, gesturing to the woods. ‘She’s torn my throat out, knocked Leo out cold and fucking ran. Get her back before she reaches the boundary! GO!’

I hand him the axe so he can cut himself free, turn, and shift into my wolf form. She’ll never outrun me like this.

My paws pound into the earth. My claws rip at the soil with satisfying ease, throwing it up in clods behind me as I sprint after her. As a wolf, I see clearly in the dark. I can’t see her yet, but I smell her.

Her sweat. The lingering scent of her arousal. It carries beautifully on the wind.

Her knocking Leo out would have weakened, if not ended, the spell he was holding around our boundaries. Not only can she get out, but others can get in.


It’s only a few minutes until I see her in the distance, running blindly through the dark trees, her hands outstretched as she tries to spare her face being ripped to shreds by the branches. She whimpers and falls, clutching her cheek. I smell a fresh cut. The smell of her blood makes my mouth water. The pounding of her heart as she tries to run from us makes me want to pounce on her and prove how utterly pointless it is even to try.

She catches sight of me approaching and leaps to her feet. She barely flicks her wrist, and I get slammed by a wall of dirt that is three times higher than I am. And considering I’m in my wolf form, that’s pretty damn high!

Grit, soil and stone pelt into me and blur my vision. It even goes up my fucking nose. By the time it’s cleared, the little bitch has sprinted off again.

I growl and sink my paws deep into the earth before giving chase, relishing in every damn second because when I catch her, I’ll make sure she knows better than ever to try and escape us again. I’ll remind her of what she’s trying to leave behind. I fucked her once beneath the waterfall. I’ll fuck her again in the mud and filth.

She screams when I leap from the treeline, and I dodge the roots she sends my way before they can entangle themselves around my legs. She diverts right, glancing back at me over her shoulder. I let loose a roar, baring my teeth and making sure it sounds as terrifying as possible. She releases a scared little sob before continuing her pointless running. Deeper and deeper she goes. Faster than she was ever capable of when she was a simple little mud witch.

A chill travels through me. A faint taste of air magic that resists as I wade through it.

We’ve passed through the barrier. Shaw was right. It’s gone down.

Panic sets in, overriding the thrill of the chase.

Pix is in danger.

I begin to hear the sound of a stream. The water moves quickly, and I know we’re getting close to Goliath Falls. That’s not good. The water is ferocious, with dozens of drops as it carves its way down to that pool of water I took her virginity.

I put in more effort. I’ve fucked about with the chase long enough. Time to catch my prize. I dig in deep and use all my strength, closing the gap between us.

She’s out of sight when I hear her scream, followed swiftly by a splash.


I scream her name in my mind and sniff the air for her.