In the corner of my eye, I watch Neve look towards the chaos.
‘Impossible,’ she hisses. ‘That’s impossible!’
I smile. I knew they would come. A glorious sight. A wonderful one.
Of humans. Of witches. Of creatures banished to the lost and forgotten realms of this land. Of the creatures that aligned with Shaw and the others. They sweep through the unseelie like a wave of death, bringing down the monsters one after the other.
Once again, they stand side by side against the blood queen.
A fierce wind slams into Neve, tossing her backwards with an angry yell as she tries in vain to stay on her feet.
An arrow pierces the rope on my right wrist and snaps it. I fall, but not far. I’m still attached by both my feet and my left hand. The sudden drop dislocates my shoulder, and I cry out in pain.
More blood drips from my eyes as the power surges. As whatever lies beyond the blood mirror slams against it from the other side. As it becomes a gateway.
I still can’t look away. My trigger holds fast.
Shaw starts hacking at the rope around my ankle.
‘You came,’ I cry.
‘I told you I would.’ He starts cutting. ‘I’m getting you out of here.’
‘Where’s Dorian?’ I ask. I see Archie. But there’s no hint of any shadows. ‘Shaw, please?’
‘I’m sorry,’ he says.
My leg is freed, and he gets to work on my second one.
Sorry? What does he mean by sorry?
My other leg is freed, and I hang from my dislocated arm and swing, still unable to look away from the gate. My necromancer magic pulls me towards it like a thread from my chest, luring me closer.
‘CUT ME DOWN!’ I scream.
Shaw pulls back his sword, ready to fly.
But gets body-slammed by Sathick.
I have to break free!
My chest is pulled to the blood as the shadow pushes against it. My blood magic… it’s being drained. I feel it leaving me, channelling its strength into whatever lies beyond.
Archie roars again. Such a bloodthirsty and lethal roar.
I get closer to the gate.
‘Oh fuck…’ I breathe.
Because it’s not the blood witches beyond it.
She smiles before slamming her fist through the blood, breaking through it like it’s glass.
‘HELP!’ I scream, desperately trying to get free. I’d cut my hand off if I had a blade.
Blood-soaked fingers stretch out for me.Herfingers, just as they did on the beach.