She falls back with a satisfied smile, dragging me down with her.
I only just realise the goblins are stood there watching, a curious look on their ugly little faces.
‘We’re gonna need a minute,’ I pant, my dick still trapped inside her.
My head falls forward, and I laugh at the ridiculousness of this situation.
We’re on the run, surrounded by goblins, and I have my cock stuck in a witch.
When my knot finally goes down, we resume our walking. Pix retakes my hand, and we continue following the voyeuristic goblins.
Little perverts.
‘So, how often will that happen?’ she asks.
‘It varies. Are you mad?’
Peering up at me, she softly shakes her head.
‘No. I’m not mad. It’s actually kinda nice to have physical proof that I’m wanted. Not had that before.’
‘You’ve never had a wolf Mate?’ I laugh. ‘I’m shocked.’
‘I’ve never been wanted,Archie. You guys are the first. Everyone else put up with me or wanted to own me. No one ever…wantedme.’
My smile fades. That is such a heartbreaking confession to hear from the most perfect girl to be born. The world must be mad to treat her so badly. I know I’ve done some shitty things too. But for all her days, I will be the Mate she deserves.
After another hour or so, I start to smell the fresh waters of a river. Through the trees, we approach a clearing where the goblins come to a stop at the edge of a hole. A few meters below is a dark pool of water. Lush green vegetation hangs over the edge and dips into the water. The goblin in charge, Pix’s dick-obsessed little friend, points at the water and starts to grunt in a guttural language I have no understanding of.
‘She wants us to jump,’ Pix says.
I tighten my hold on her hand.
‘I’m sure she does. No, thank you,’ I tell the little cretin. ‘We will not be jumping into a black pool of water deep in the ancient forests. We choose life.’
I look at Pix with a raised brow.
‘What did you call me?’
‘I called you a pussy,’ she teases.
Pix pulls her hand away and steps over the edge before I can use my claim mark to order her to stop. There’s a splash a few seconds after she goes over the edge, and she doesn’t come back up for air. The goblin points again to the water as if bored of waiting.
‘Fucking goblins,’ I grind out beforeleaping in after her.
If she’s hurt, I will tear them apart.
The water is icy, dark and filthy. My fingers search for her. I feel nothing. I begin kicking for the surface, but there’s a pull on my body as if I am entangled by rope. I’m pulled down.
Deeper and deeper into this swamp I go. The faint glimpse of the surface quickly fades, and darkness surrounds me.
Pix didn’t submerge because she, too, had been pulled down. Down to her death in the dark.
Fucking goblins!
I claw at the water and reach out in the darkness for any hope I might find her, but all I feel is water.