And she would love every fucking second.
But right now, she needs power, control, freedom, or at least the mirage of it. That, I can provide.
So I play along.
She looks down at my unbuckled belt, and I feel a stab of misery through our link. You wouldn’t see it to look at her. But I feel it.
‘I didn’t touch anyone, and no one has touched me,’ I assure her.
‘Because you saw me,’ she replies before looking around the fire. ‘Perhaps I should find a man to play with and make you watch.’
I take her chin and make her look at me.
‘You do that, and it will not end well for you nor the poor male you entice into playing your very lethal game.’ I sweep her hair over her shoulder so I can get abetter look at her cleavage. I don’t even pretend not to look. She steps a little closer.
‘Do you want to play with me instead, Shadow Master?’
‘I always want to play with you, my little Poppet Doll.’
‘Then why don’t you?’
‘Because, my girl, I don’t want to lose an arm this evening or have my throat ripped out.’
She laughs. It’s the best fucking sound I’ve heard in weeks. Fuck. It’s the best sound to have ever graced my ears.
She steps closer still, her eyes peering up at me through her lashes. The flickering of the fire warms her skin, and the flames dance in her eyes.
‘You scared of me, Shadow Master?’
‘Cautious. Not scared.’
‘Then play with me.’
Her hand wraps around my cock, and the growl I create rumbles through my chest.
‘You were hurt, Poppet. You’re not up for anything I would want to do with you.’
‘Play with me,’ she repeats, her smile becoming a daring sneer. ‘Play with me, Shadow Master.’
‘No.’ She was penetrated by a fucking dagger. She’s raw from her confessions to Archie. Now is not the time. ‘I’ll take you back inside. You have been through enough, and this is not the place for you.’
As I speak, one of the remaining creatures has pushed the female I scared away onto her knees and slaps her around the face with his dick. The human girl grins and opens her mouth wide for him.
I get two steps before Ashe grips my wrist and steps closer, looking into my eyes in fierce desperation.
‘It’s my body. Not Coles. Mine. He doesn’t get to violate it and take it away from me. My father doesn’t get to scar it and make me ashamed of myself. And you do not get to tell me that I’m too fragile to enjoy my body when I want to. So if you are not up to letting me reclaim the rights of my own flesh, then I will find another to do so. Because I get to say when I’m touched. I get to say who touches me. No one else. Not Cole. Not my coven. Not even you.’ She swallows as if it hurts to do so and steps closer so she’s toe to toe with me. ‘Don’t let them take my body from me. I’m in control of it. No one else. And I trust you to know what I can take and what I can’t.’ Her gaze falls, and her voice lowers. ‘If I let fear take hold now, I’ve lost. Please don’t let me lose. Please.’ She looks me dead in the eye. ‘Dorian.’ Hearing my name from her lips has my breath catching. ‘I want you to play with me. Unless you’re lying and you don’t want me anymore.’
I thought I loved this woman with all I had, but I swear, the black hole where my heart should be just grew to love her more. I have her hand in mine, and I’m heading to the seclusion of the woods in a second. But she refuses to budge. Looking back, I see her watching me. This isn’t a done deal. Not by far.
She wants something else. And I’m nothing if not a giver.
For her, at least.
‘Tell me the game, Poppet Doll.’
Her hands rest on my shoulders, and I’m guided back until I hit one of the fallen logs. She shoves me down andstands over me. Her legs part, so mine fit between her thighs. My face is level with her breasts.