Page 5 of Her Blood Revenge

They told me. I laughed.

Turns out that after he’d been caught balls deep in the virgin daughter of their fearless fuckwit of a leader, he ran.

Straight into me.

I saw something of myself in the fool.

And when we were attacked by five Arani - Big fucking spiders, and I mean big! He saved my arse.

Those spiders tore the air witches to pieces and ate them as they screamed.

I froze.

Give me a witch or an axe-wielding lunatic any day.

I don’t fuck with anything with more than four legs. Especially hairy, spindly legs that scuttle. And seeing those hairy monstrosities scrabbling in the tree tops with those beady little eyes, I fucking froze hard.

Turns out spiders and snakes are my weak spot

Disgusting things. I shudder even now.

He broke free from the air orb, and rather than leave me to die, he used his magic to save me. He killed them all, pulled up his trousers, tucked his cock away, and dusted himself off.

I offered him a home.

The lunatic happily accepted.

He’s been here ever since, fucking and drinking away his days in exchange for doing the jobs we need him to do. Spying. Assassin. Delivering the odd threat.

Besides Pix, he’s the only witch we’ve allowed to live here as a guest. Turns out he hates witches just as much as the rest of us.

At the moment, he’s been keeping Thalia alive and protecting the borders.

And apparently, learning to play the flute.

He’s actually pretty good.

Pix lets loose another shriek. I look up at the hallway and swallow the lump that just formed in my throat.

‘She been like that long?’

‘An hour or so. They’re both up there with her. A fat lot of good it seems to do. I think they just make her worse if you ask me.’

His blade continues working the wood as he looks up at me.

‘I know she’s the one they keep coming after. The earth witches. Those pixie spies. And I know that she’s the reason the others have left.’

‘I would keep what you think you know to yourself, Leo,’ I warn.

‘You know me. Put up and shut up. Give me a task, and I’ll get it done. You can trust me.’

‘I feel a “but” coming up.’

He collects his flutes and faces me.

‘No “but”. That’s it. Whatever it is, I’ve got your back. She needs protecting? I’ll help in any way I can. However.’

‘However is just a fancy way of saying but.’