‘STOP!’ she cries, pushing me away. ‘Don’t!’
Dorian kneels by her head.
‘Let me fix your arm,’ he says.
‘Get it out!’ she cries. ‘GET IT OUT OF ME!’
‘What?’ he asks, looking at her body. ‘Get what out?’
He looks at me for an answer. I have no idea.
She slowly rolls onto her back, wailing in agony as she does. Her legs open, and it takes all I have not to vomit.
‘What the fuck…’ Dorian whispers, looking between her legs.
Where the hilt of a dagger protrudes. The blade of which has been buried inside her.
Blood gushes from her, and any bit of movement she makes cuts her deeper and makes her sob.
Cole has penetrated her with a fucking dagger. Raped her with it!
‘GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!’ she sobs.
I look at Dorian and swallow dryly as I wrap my fingers around the hilt. He nods and bites his wrist before thrusting it in her mouth and pinning her down.
‘Do it, Arch,’ he agrees. ‘Make it quick.’
With her uninjured arm, she grabs Dorian and clings to him, knowing that this is going to hurt like a motherfucker.
‘On three,’ I tell her.
She nods, tears spilling down her cheeks as she aggressively drinks from Dorian.
‘One.’ I pull it free.
She lets go of Dorian and screams, her body arching as blood spills from between her legs. I drop the knife and hold her down as Dorian returns his wrist to her mouth. As she wails and rolls in agony, I snap her shoulder back into place. It’s better to get all the pain out of the way now rather than to prolong it.
Letting out one hell of a breath, I settle beside her, stroking her hair from her face as she sobs around Dorian’s cut.
‘It will heal, Pix,’ I assure her. ‘A couple of minutes, and it won’t hurt anymore. I promise.’
But Dorian and I share a look. The pain may pass, but that experience will never leave her.
I just keep stroking the hair from her face and hold her hand. Her fingers grip me painfully tight, but I don’t pull away. I don’t even flinch. She can break every bone in my body if it will help her through this.
‘We have to get her back inside the boundary before they return,’ Dorian says quietly, scanning the area for any sign of a further threat.
‘IsShaw okay?’ I ask.
He nods, still scanning the area for the next threat. I look below at the ground. We’re wide open for attack.
She lets Dorian go and lies back, her thighs pressed together as she pants.
We ease her up, and she winces as if the dagger’s still there. Dorian takes off his coat and wraps it around her shaking body. She’s soaked through, in shock, and it’s freezing cold. Her arms slide through it, and she gets to her feet, facing away as she wipes her tears away and stands over the disturbed earth Cole hid beneath.
We give her a moment to gather herself. To get her breathing and tears back in her control.
She picks up the dagger, still slick with her blood.