I complied without enthusiasm, though my new body welcomed the sustenance.
“They want to rescue what humans they can—mainly the psychic females and enough males to ensure the survival of the species—place them on a new planet in the Coalition territories and just nuke Earth; cut our losses.”
“No fucking way!” I hissed, outrage surging within me.
“That’s exactly what we told them,” Legion replied with a smirk. “They forgot how loyal Gomenzi Dragons are to their people.”
“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.
“Most of our troops have already moved to Asia and Africa. Chaos and I will each spearhead the battles there. Rage will lead the combat in Europe. Steele will handle South America. You’re getting North America.”
I made no effort to hide my smile of gratitude to be near my mate. “What of Oceania?”
“It’s already been cleansed, but the locals have reclaimed their continent and are helping us monitor to make sure there is no resurgence. But understand, this is a war of attrition now,” Legion cautioned. “Khutu doesn’t give a shit how many of his troops die. It will be months before we’ve replenished our number of backup Shells and until most of our Soulcatchers are able to hold us again.”
I understood he was urging caution. “I am the king of survival, remember?” I said teasingly. “This is my first rebirth in five years—although double rebirth might be more accurate. Seeing howpleasantit was, I have no intentions of going through that shit again anytime soon.”
Legion chuckled. “Well, the ‘king of survival’ needs to get his ass to the training room and strengthen those muscles that have gone soft over the past few weeks.”
“See you in the training room in ten minutes. We’ll see who’s gone soft.”
“No can do. I have four hours to rest before going back to the front. It’s good to have you back, brother.”
I smiled as he walked out of my quarters, then mentally sought out Stran. His consciousness brushed against mine, his joy flooding our psychic link. He startled me by projecting a mental image of Victoria.
“I miss her, too. Let’s go get our girl.”
Chapter 11
My transport shuttle landed in the hangar of The Avenger, one of the Xian motherships. With my dismal psychic abilities, I never thought they would consider me for one of the medical research positions they’d opened within the Vanguard. But I didn’t even have to apply;theyreached out tomeand brought me here.
I still couldn’t believe it.
I’d been working my tail off since arriving in Camp 485, which had earned me a steady increase in responsibilities. Sure, I’d noticed how they’d been grooming and assessing me, but I’d assumed it was with the intent of leaving me in charge of the medical management of the camp once they withdrew and moved on to other regions now that this area had been secured. After all, the Vanguard only accepted the elite, and I was just a lost soul with a broken heart.
A pair of Hulanian females greeted me and my two companions, neither of whom were known to me. One was a mechanical engineer and the other a certified rocket scientist. They handed us our badges, and one of the females invited the engineer to follow her. Just as the second female opened her mouth to speak … from the corner of my eye I caught a familiar circular shape at the entrance of the hangar.
A massive ball of dark, shiny scales rolled at dizzying speed straight towards me. The rocket scientist yelped and jumped out of the way under the amused stare of the Hulanian.
“Stran!” I whispered, my throat too tight to speak any louder.
He spun around me in a circle, completing three rotations before stopping at my feet and uncurling. Tears burst from my eyes upon seeing the familiar face. I fell to my knees and hugged him with the fervency of despair. His purr-growl further fueled my sorrow.
“I thought I’d lost you, too.”
“You have not.”
Igasped, recoiling violently at the beloved voice echoing in my head. I stared at Stran disbelieving. Surely, he couldn’t have …
“Look up, my Red.”
That’s when I saw him, clad in his dark Vanguard uniform, his beautiful face smiling tenderly at me. Time stopped. My lungs ceased to function, and my skin tingled. The room began to spin.
I saw Doom’s smile fade seconds before darkness engulfed me.
* * *