Page 9 of The Hunchback

“I recognize your energy. It made my Chant more powerful than I would have ever believed possible,” she said pensively. “I didn’t think Fallen also possessed that ability. But then, we never mingle with them, so it’s no wonder no one noticed. Or did you inherit it from your human parent?”

“Also?” I asked, confused, ignoring her question.

“We have inherited our energy manipulation powers from the Elohim,” Esmeralda patiently explained while advancing a couple more steps towards me. “They invited humans here when less and less of the original inhabitants of the Nine Circles were born with an affinity with energy manipulation. My ancestors were among the Chosen because females in my family responded well to the Elohim’s ergokinetic influence. I have not personally experienced it… yet. Well, until you that is. But that is why the Seraphs always attend the Festival of Light ceremony; their power enhances the Vestal’s and increases the chances of filling the Well.”

“I see,” I said, suddenly ashamed by my limited knowledge of the inner workings of the rituals of the city I had grown up in.

It stung a little that her interest in me only stemmed from my apparently innate ability to make her more powerful, and not out of some deeper attraction or care for me. Still, I welcomed her attention, whatever motivated it. There would be plenty of time later to pay the price when Frollo inevitably found out about this encounter.

“I am also glad to see you are well,” Esmeralda added, as if she’d read the thoughts that had just crossed my mind. “You sounded… indisposed.”

I squirmed under her inquisitive stare and ran a nervous hand through my midnight blue hair. “Thank you, I am fine now.” Her intense gaze on me clearly indicated she expected more details. For some reason, I felt compelled to show her the same candor she had shown me. “I have a condition which builds up over a month and causes me great pain. The Praetor regularly helps me with it, as he did last night.”

Her gaze lowered to my shoulder as if she could see my hump beyond it, a small frown marring her delicate forehead.

“It pleases me to hear Frollo assisted you. He seemed quite… upset.”

“I shouldn’t have been there,” I replied, my voice hardening. “It was foolish of me to put him and myself in danger by risking discovery.” My gaze bore into hers so there would be no misunderstanding this time about my meaning. “If my presence was exposed, my life would likely be forfeit, and the Praetor could face a world of trouble for having harbored a Fallen.”

“You are only half-Fallen,” she argued, studying my features. “Technically, that part of you should give you some rights. But I get your meaning well. Your secret is safe with me.”

I nodded in gratitude, but my lack of a sense of relief made me realize I’d never doubted she wouldn’t expose us.

Watching Esmeralda chew her bottom lip as she hesitated to ask me the next question burning her tongue reignited the flame of desire that had dimmed to slow-burning embers.

“You may ask your question. I have no secrets,” I said.

She raised a dubious eyebrow, and my cheeks heated, realizing I still hadn’t answered her initial question. Thankfully, Esmeralda let me off the hook on that one.

“Have you considered seeking medical attention? There are treatments for kyphosis—I mean, hunched backs—like special braces or even surgery.”

The timid way she asked the question, clearly trying not to hurt my feelings, deeply touched me. I wasn’t used to anyone worrying about my sensibilities. Frollo wasn’t cruel per se, merely indifferent, which made it all the harder for me to understand why he’d put himself at such high risk for so many years to provide me with shelter and succor. The only other people in the temple aware of my nature were his two personal guards, Ulrich and Garreth. I’d never conversed with them, but they’d barked a couple of orders at me in the past. This made me all the hungrier for pleasant conversation with her.

“It is not possible,” I said, shaking my head. “We had tried a brace when I was a child. It nearly killed me. Frollo… I mean Praetor Frollo had procured a handheld scanner to see what was wrong with my hump. The experts he brought the readings to all had the same verdict. The explanation he gave me had been too complex for my young mind at the time. But it came down to the need for surgery to fix it. Amajorsurgery, which couldn’t be performed by one or two highly trusted people in some backwoods shack. Since then, he has been alleviating my pains, and even built a laboratory on the third floor of the spire to further his medical knowledge and better assist me.”

The stunned then impressed look on her face highly displeased me. Although Frollo deserved my gratitude for the lengths he’d gone to for me, I didn’t want to sing his praises to Esmeralda, and further push her into his arms.

“I had no idea Frollo was so devoted to your care,” she said pensively. “It is an unexpected but very nice side of him I never would have foreseen.” Her gaze roamed over the house before settling on me again. “Tell me about this place.”

Too happy for the conversation to steer away from Frollo’s virtues, I happily gave her a tour of the house, bigger than my loft at the top of the spire. Even without the breathtaking view of Paris of my previous place, I still had large windows in every room, using reflective glass so that a passerby could not peek inside or catch a glimpse of me—not that anyone ever came to this area.

My greatest pride, however, was showing her my armory with a collection of lances, spears, staves, and bows. Although self-taught, I’d always had an innate talent for the craft. The look of wonder on her face touched me more than any word she could have said.

“This one is similar to the lightning staves the guards were holding upon my arrival,” Esmeralda exclaimed.

I puffed out my chest further. “It is, because I made their staves based on that template. I make most of the ceremonial weapons for the Praetor.”

“That’s amazing!” she said with awe. “You are incredibly talented.”

In my enthusiasm at her positive response, I launched into a detailed description of each weapon, their meaning, inspiration, material, and technique used. I’d never had anyone but my imps to speak with of my passion, and the flood gates were now wide open. I eventually realized I was babbling and abruptly shut up, feeling mortified.

Far from looking bored or annoyed, Esmeralda chuckled, her beautiful emerald eyes sparkling with mirth.

“It is wonderful to see someone feeling such passion about things they do,” she said in a sympathetic voice. “Listening to you reminds me of how I feel when I dance or Chant. Don’t you dare be embarrassed about loving what you do. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you for giving me this window into your world.”

More embarrassed than ever, I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. “Thank you for being such a great listener,” I replied, lamely.

She smiled and performed a little curtsey. “I should probably get going,” Esmeralda said. “I wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome considering you never officially gave me permission to stay,” she added teasingly.