“I’ll get you something,” Elio says, going to the bar in the corner of the room.
I walk over toward the fireplace where Lana and Henry are huddled close, each cradling one of their newborn twins, Lily and Hank. Lana is still a fierce, intimidating woman, but she’s also filled with loving warmth. I’m told Henry, and now the kids, have softened her up a bit.
Lana was particularly helpful to me when I decided to sell some of my jewelry. She envisions a big company, selling my designs in major department stores around the world. My true goals aren’t so lofty, but I appreciate her confidence in me.
Piper and Diana are on the couch, watching the children while Elio pours drinks for him, Lazaro, and Matteo. I smile as I watch them, knowing how much it pleases Matteo that they consider him their brother.
“Dinner is ready,” Janey announces.
As we gather around the dinner table, Matteo's hand finds mine under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Merry Christmas,” he whispers to me over Rocco’s head who’s sitting between us. That’s another thing that is different. When I was a kid, we didn’t eat our meals with my parents. Even on holidays. It wasn’t until we reached the age of ten that we joined the grownup table.
But here, all family members join the celebration. Even the twins are in baby carrier seats anchored to highchairs.
Elio stands, raising his glass. "To family. To the bonds that tie us together, through thick and thin."
We all raise our glasses and say, “To family.”
I pretend to sip the wine, glancing over the rim to see if anyone notices. Across the table, Diana has a glass of water.
Piper leans forward. "Diana, is there a reason you're toasting with water tonight?"
The room goes silent, all eyes turning to Diana.
Diana's cheeks flush, and she shares a look with Lazaro. He nods, a grin spreading across his face.
"Well, we weren't going to say anything just yet, but…" She takes a deep breath. "We're pregnant again!"
The room explodes with joy. Elio pats Lazaro on the back as Piper leans over and gives Diana a hug.
“We’re going to have to get a bigger table soon,” Elio says. He sits at the head and looks over the family, his family, and I can see he’s happy for all of us. And I’m more than thrilled to be a part of it.
As the excitement over Diana and Lazaro's announcement settles, Matteo leans toward me over Rocco again. “Maybe it’s time we give Rocco a little brother or sister.”
My lips discreetly twitch upward as I turn to him. "Who says we haven't already started on that?" I pull back slightly, watching as his eyes widen with surprise and then darken with desire.
His hand finds mine again under the table. "Are you saying…?"
I give him a coy smile, neither confirming nor denying. "I'm saying that maybe we should have a private conversation later tonight."
Matteo's face breaks into a wide grin, and he leans in to press a quick, passionate kiss to my lips.
"You're killing me, Princess," he murmurs against my mouth.
“Get a room,” Lazaro calls out toward us.
We laugh.
When the attention is no longer on us, Matteo leans toward me again. “Another baby. God, Ava, you make me the happiest man alive."
I smile at him. “Back at you.”
The sounds of laughter and celebration continue around us, and I know that I truly am the happiest person alive. The D'Amatos took me in and showed me what true familial love looks like.
Elio and Piper, Lana and Henry, Lazaro and Diana, all of them have found their own happily ever after. And now, with the news of Diana's pregnancy and our own secret joy, our family is growing even more.
I look at Matteo, a wave of emotion filling me. I’m so grateful for him. For all of them. I shudder to think of what my life would be like without them.