“It’s ending now. Elio is taking care of it. Just to be sure, you’ll stay at the house. It will be nice.” I force a smile, hating how lost she looks. “Piper and Diana are there so you won’t be alone. You’re under D’Amato protection now. You’re safe. Come on.” I help her up and get her a glass of water before escorting her to my room. She sits on the bed as I gather her things, waiting for her to tell me whether the pregnancy is real or not. I have this strange desire for it to be true. I’m a man who never thought I’d have a wife, much less a kid. But right now, I want it more than anything.
A vision of our future together flashes through my brain. I see Ava, radiant and glowing, her belly swollen with our growing child. I imagine holding our baby for the first time, tiny fingers wrapping around mine. I picture us as a family, teaching our kid to ride a bike, celebrating birthdays, sharing quiet moments at home.
I want this. All of it. With Ava. And I’ve been such a dick because I haven’t told her how I truly feel.
I sit next to her. “Are you okay?”
She looks at me, and I see apology in her eyes. “I just found out today.”
Is she worried I’ll be angry about a baby? Or is she upset about it? She is young. Her dream isn’t to be a mother. It’s to be free.
I swallow as I consider she doesn’t want what I want. Yes, she said she loved me, but that doesn’t mean she wants to give up her dream.
“That’s why you’ve been sick?” I ask, still trying to probe her feelings about this situation.
She nods. “I know you used a condom, but I guess it didn’t work.”
“This changes things for you, I guess.” I’m at a loss for what to say, but I’m pretty sure these are the wrong words.
She looks at me again. “If you don’t want us?—”
“What?” I’m shocked. “Are you kidding?”
She blinks. “It seems like you don’t?—”
“I’m trying to figure out what you want.”
She looks down at her belly, rubbing a hand over it. “I want the baby.”
“What about me? Do you want me?” I shake my head because I sound like such a jerk. I move to my knees in front of her and take her hands. “Let me tell you first that I love you.”
Her eyes widen. “You do?”
“I do. I think since the first time I met you when you were betrothed to Elio.”
Her lips twitch up in their first hint of a smile. It gives me hope.
“I want you and the baby, if you want me.”
Ava bites her lip. "I just… I don't want you to feel obligated. If you're not ready for this, I understand."
How could she think I wouldn't want this? That I wouldn't want her and our child? A possessive feeling tightens in my chest, and I cup her face gently in my hands.
"You and this baby are everything to me. I want this. I want us." I search her eyes, willing her to understand the depth of my feelings. "Do you want this?”
“Yes. I want this baby. And you.”
Relief washes over me, so intense it's almost dizzying. Without thinking, I scoop Ava up in my arms, spinning her around as joy bubbles up inside me. Her laughter rings out, clear and bright, and I've never heard a more beautiful sound.
I set her down gently, mindful of her condition, and pull her close. My lips find hers in a fervent kiss, pouring all my love and happiness into it.
"You know what this means, right?" I ask, a grin spreading across my face as I press my hand to her belly. "You're stuck with me for life now. You, me, and this little one, we're a package deal."
Her smile widens, and she places her hand over mine on her stomach. "I can live with that."
I'm going to be a father. The thought both terrifies and exhilarates me.
"I hope you know what you're getting into," I tease. "I'm not exactly father material."