Page 23 of Stolen Queen

I should go in. Check on her.

No. I force myself to stay put. She needs time. Space.

Fucking hell. Here I am, one of the most feared men in Chicago, standing outside Ava’s room like a lovesick puppy, hanging on every little sound she makes. I resent the way shecuts me to my knees. And how she’s brought me to a situation that will likely lead to my death. I’m now caught between the Rinella family and my own.

Growing up, family was everything. My mother, a D’Amato, was the epitome of a Mafia wife. She married my father, who worked for Elio’s father. We were all close. I remember summers spent chasing Elio through the streets, getting into trouble. I'm older than him by a year, as was my mother older than his father, but power passes through sons, so when my grandfather died, Elio’s father became the leader and when he died, Elio did. But I don’t mind that power hasn't passed to me. I like being in the position I am. I don’t have the massive responsibility that Elio does, and yet, I have some influence, power, and of course, wealth.

Personally, I think Elio is a great leader. He can be a fucking bastard when he needs to be, but he’s also loyal and caring to those close to him. And now here I am, potentially starting a war with a family he's trying to appease because I can't stand to see Ava looking like she's losing her light.


If Don Rinella finds out I have his daughter… Christ, it'll be an all-out bloodbath. The delicate peace Elio is trying to forge will be forever gone. And for what? A girl I barely know?

I close my eyes, picturing Elio's face when he finds out what I've done. Will he understand? After all, he chose a woman over family duty. Surely, he'll sympathize with my situation.

Or will he see it as a betrayal of his attempts to fix the alliance with the Rinellas? For taking a woman I have no right to take.

The secrecy is killing me. Every moment Ava stays here, hidden away, the risk grows. If anyone finds out—Rinella, Elio, hell, even one of our own men—it could bring everything crashing down.

But I can’t send her back. Not to that bastard father of hers. Not to a future with Don Nardone. His sadistic reputation is well-known. What is Rinella thinking by sending her to him? Is he trying to punish her? Well, not on my watch.

I'm caught between a rock and a hard place, with no clear path forward. Whatever I choose, someone gets hurt, maybe even killed. It's just a question of who.

Deciding I don’t like being a pussy, I grab my keys and head back to work, hoping no one asks where I disappeared to for lunch. Ava is fed and safe, so I don’t have any qualms about leaving her again.

I drive toward the D'Amato house, trying to shut my mind up of the dueling thoughts and emotions running roughshod.

When I get back to the house, it’s a buzz of activity preparing for Lazaro and Diana’s wedding. I don’t get it. It’s supposed to be a small affair, but the energy in the house makes it seem like a royal event.

I make my way through the house to Elio’s office. I step in, noting he’s briefing several men including Lazaro. I’m late.

Elio catches my eye from across the room, raising an eyebrow in question. I force a grin, hoping it doesn't look as strained as it feels. He's one of those quiet but astute types. How long before he sees through my façade?

I go to his bar, pouring a drink, like I always do. Then I lean against the wall and listen, like I always do. See, I’m being my same normal self.

For a moment, I wonder if I can tell Elio what’s going on. How would he react if he knew what I’d done? Not just in taking Ava, but in failing to let him know she’d been in the club? That I’d served her even though she’s underage? That I’d kissed her back, and it was fucking fantastic? Would he understand, or would he see it as a betrayal?

The loyalty between us has always been unshakeable. But now, I’ve probably fucked that up. I've crossed a line, and there might be no coming back from it.



The clock on the bedside table says just past noon, telling me that I’ve been gone for over twelve hours. No doubt, my parents know I’m gone by now. They’re probably out looking for me. Would they even think to check with the D’Amatos?

I just need to bide my time until I’m found. I try not to think about what happens if Matteo plans to sell me.

I see the plate of food and my stomach grumbles in response. Matteo has brought me a grilled cheese sandwich. I sit to eat, but it’s hard. The gravity of my situation weighs on me, making me feel even more trapped. My life doesn’t belong to me. I cry as I eat, unable to taste the food through my pain and fear.

Eventually, I get myself sorted. I can’t give in to the feelings of powerlessness. I have to find a way out of this situation. I check the door, knowing it’s fruitless, but maybe he left it unlocked. Or maybe I can force it open.

When that doesn’t work, I lie on the bed, trying not to feel hopeless. I need to figure out how to escape. I can’t overpower him. My phone and smartwatch are missing, so I can’t contactanyone. Perhaps I could make signals from the window, but who would see?

The only answer is to outsmart him when he comes into my room. To do that, I need to convince him that I’m a passive captive. Maybe I act grateful that he saved me and tell him I don’t want to go back to my father.

For a moment, I consider what to do if I can escape. Do I go back home or seize the opportunity to escape my family as well? I don’t know how. I have no money, no place to go. And yet… this could be my chance to finally own my own life.

As I sit to wait for Matteo’s reappearance, I wonder what his endgame is. Will he turn me over to Elio? Will I be used as a pawn against my father? I’m having a hard time reconciling the man in the club with the man who is keeping me locked away. I’d felt safe with him that night he'd helped me get home. Since then, I’ve had wild fantasies about him. Including some where he’d take me away from my life. But this, being locked as a prisoner, isn’t what I’d imagined.