Page 79 of Stolen Queen


He nods, turning back to the stove. "Yeah. I explained everything to him. He understands why I did what I did."

“He forgives you?” I can’t explain the relief this gives me. The idea that I’d come between Matteo and his family was more than I could bear.

Matteo turns to face me fully, his expression serious but gentle. "It means you're safe, Ava. You're under the protection of both the D'Amatos and me now."

I blink, struggling to process this information. It seems too good to be true. "So… Elio won't betray you to my father?"

Matteo's brow furrows, and he puts down the spoon he was holding to come to me. "Is that what you were worried about?"

I nod, feeling a lump form in my throat. This stupid illness has made me emotional. "I thought… I mean, last night it seemed like…"

Matteo takes my hand in his. "Ava, no. Elio would never do that. And if he did, I’d still be one hundred percent committed to keeping you safe, helping you achieve your freedom.”

His words should make me happy, but they don’t. It sounds like he’s still planning on sending me away to forge a new life under a new name.

“Is there more you’re worried about?” he asks softly.

"I just… I feel so guilty. You and your family are taking such huge risks by protecting me. If anything were to happen to you or them because of me…" Tears well up in my eyes, and I blinkrapidly, trying to hold them back. "I'm not worth all this trouble. Maybe it would be better if I just?—”

Matteo cuts me off, his finger pressing over my lips. "Don't you dare finish that sentence, Princess. You are worth it, do you understand?” His hand cups my cheek, his thumb gently stroking my skin.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," I whisper, feeling a bit foolish for my earlier fears.

Matteo shakes his head. "Don't apologize. I understand why you were scared. But I need you to trust me, Ava."

I nod, feeling a surge of affection for this man who's risking everything for me. "I do trust you. More than I've ever trusted anyone."

His eyes soften at my words, and he leans in closer. His lips find mine. His kiss is soft, sweet. I melt into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. I make a wish that what we have now won’t ever have to end.

The next morning,I wake with a start, my stomach churning uncomfortably. The familiar wave of nausea hits me, and I know I only have moments before I'm sick. I look over at Matteo’s side of the bed, but it’s empty save for a note.


You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you. Get some rest. I'll see you this evening.


I clutch the note, savoring it. He still isn’t saying he loves me, but I feel it. Or I hope I do.

Another wave of nausea hits, so I swing out of bed and hurry to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before my stomach heaves.

After a few moments, I pull myself up and move to the sink. My reflection in the mirror looks pale and drawn. I splash some cool water on my face, hoping to bring some color back to my cheeks.

I reach for the toothpaste to wash away the vile taste in my mouth, only to find the tube completely empty. Sighing, I start rummaging through the bathroom cabinet for a new one. As I push aside various toiletries, I pick up the tampon box to look behind it when I freeze.

I pull them out slowly, a strange feeling of dread settling in my stomach.

When was my last period?

I rack my brain, trying to remember. It's been… over a month? With everything that's been happening, I hadn't even noticed it was late.

Panic sets in as I connect the dots. The missed period. The nausea and vomiting I've been experiencing lately. Could it be…?

No. No, it can't be. He uses a condom.

But as much as I want to dismiss the idea, I can’t. Not fully.