My body is no longer my own. Every nerve and fibre is quivering, ready to explode at the slightest touch, If I don’t come soon — very, very soon — I might just self-combust anyway.
“Okay,amor. Come for me.”
Did he…? Did I hear right? “Sir?”
“Come for me, sweetheart. Now.”
I don’t need telling twice. I let it go, let everything go. My core contracts, my pussy convulses. My senses shatter intoa thousand glittering shards, and I fly. Up, up, up, soaring, weightless, spinning on a cloud of undiluted ecstasy.
The wand is still there, the bullet still fluttering inside me. Adan’s voice is in my ears, soothing, encouraging, urging me on to better and bigger, utter bone-deep satisfaction.
The sensations subside. The quivering slowly ebbs, my senses are my own again, though every muscle seems to have turned to water. I lie motionless, gasping for precious oxygen.
The wand disappears, the low hum is silenced. Adan’s palm is on my buttock, then his finger slides back into me to hit the bullet button again and all is still. He eases from under me to lie beside me.
“Was that good for you,cara?”
I can only nod, and he permits me to settle for that this time. We lie in silence, the only sound my laboured breathing, slowly steadying as my world finds its way back onto its axis.
“I never imagined…” I begin.
“See where trust gets you?” he mutters into my hair.
“I want to do it again.”
“Not quite yet, but soon.”
He chuckles. “We’ll be needing new batteries for that bullet, then. Speaking of which, lift your arse for me.”
“What? Why?” I’m curious, that’s all. My question holds none of my earlier suspicion.
“It’s done its job. It’s time for it to come out.”
“Oh.” Obviously.
He slips two fingers into me to grip the helpful little loop on the end of the toy and pulls it out. “It can be your job to clean our toys. Okay?”
“I’ll do it later,” I mutter.
“Good. Because I have other plans for you right now.”
“I need to fuck you. Hard, fast, and very thoroughly.”
“Sounds wonderful.” I turn my head to regard him. “What are you waiting for?”
At some stagein the proceedings, I must have removed my shirt, because Rosie has commandeered it and is moving quietly around the room. The dark-grey fabric reaches her mid-thighs, and when she bends to pick up our discarded toys it offers a tantalising glimpse of that seriously sexy bottom. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of watching her.
“You’re staring,” she accuses me.
“So sue me,” I reply, plumping the pillows behind my shoulders. “Tell me, Rosie, did you ever think of making a career out of playing the violin?”