Page 85 of Savage Redemption

Four of our men have to transfer to the cars to make room in the helicopter for our additional passengers, but in less than two minutes we’re airborne and headed back to the airport. At least on a private jet we can avoid any awkward questions about paperwork for the dog.


Two weeks later,Caraksay


I findmyself once more under the tender ministrations of Doctor Megan. I vaguely recall that she was in the helicopter that brought me away from Kaminski’s hacienda, administering a generous dose of pain relief and antibiotics. She restored me sufficiently that I was able to give some sort of account of what had happened to me.

I remember almost nothing about being in the cell, though I suppose I was there for a couple of days or so. I do clearly recall meeting with Kaminski and Bartosz and trying to convince them I’d make a better ally than an enemy. I failed miserably. The next thing I remember was being dragged out of the office and slung down into the cells, where the two guards set about trying to beat me to death. I rather suspect they might have succeeded but for Bartosz, who arrived out of nowhere and hauled them off.

I wasn’t attacked again, and I was even attended by a medic, but not one possessing the expertise of Megan. He looked me over, said I’d live… probably, and gave me a slug of morphine.That knocked me out for the best part of the next twenty-four hours and had only just worn off by the time Rosie arrived.

I love Rosie. I adore the very bones of her, but I was not pleased to see her. I had little or no hope that either one of us would survive, and where would that leave our beautiful daughter? With Nathan Darke and his wife, probably, to be brought up by a man who loathed me and would doubtless blame me for him daughter’s death.

For once, I agree with him. She shouldn’t have come after me, but as things have turned out, I’m sort of glad she did. I’m sure Ethan Savage’s timely intervention was a lot more about rescuing her than it was me. Ethan warned me of the consequences of returning to Tenerife, but I went anyway. I doubt he’d have lifted a finger to save me.

The doc scurries in to do my obs. Blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, oxygen levels. She declares herself satisfied. “You’ve been stable for a few days now. Maybe you could leave the clinic…”

“Right. How soon can I be out of here?”

“So much for gratitude,” she remarks, laughing.

“Sorry, Doc, but you know how it is.”

“I do. And I could do with the space. Young Andrej is coming back to the island for a few days before being transferred to a specialist burns unit.”

“How is he? Specialist burns unit, you said?”

“Yes, for skin grafts to his legs. Otherwise, he’s doing well.”

Skin grafts? “I just wish I could have?—”

“No. Stop that. That young man is only alive because of you, and the damage can be fixed. In a maybe six more months, he’ll be sound as a pound.”

“Sound…?” My English is decent enough, but sometimes I lose the thread.

“He’s going to be fine. And you can get out from under my feet today, if you like. I understand your old room is still available and ready for you.”

“Yes.” I’m already scanning the small, clinical room for any possessions I’ll need to pack. There isn’t much. “I’ll get out of your way, then.”

“Do that, but I’ll need to see you back every morning until I say different. There’s still work to do on your hand to restore full mobility.”

Megan did a decent patch-up job but insists I’ll need to see a proper orthopaedic specialist to do the real fine repairs. I may face a series of operations, but none of that matters. I’m alive, and I’m free, and I’ll settle for that.

Megan insistson escorting me back to the castle, and even carries my meagre bag of possessions, despite my protests. “It’s only a few bits,” she replies, quite accurately. A comb, a pack of tissues, a tattered copy ofThe Economist, and a toothbrush make up my entire stash.

“Where is everyone?” I ask as we pass through the deserted main hall, usually a hub of activity.

“Mrs McRae is about, in the kitchen probably. The older kids are at school, and the tiny tots are most likely upstairs with Faith. Ethan had business on the mainland and took some of the men with him.”

“What about Rosie? And Erin?”

She shrugs. “In their apartment, perhaps. Nathan went with Ethan, checking out a potential acquisition. A fourteenth-century castle in need of restoration, I think. He’s talking of converting it into a hotel and spa retreat.

I take that in, interested on two fronts. Firstly, and closest to my heart, Rosie is here, and Erin. And her father is safelyout of the way, so I’ll be paying them a call. Secondly, Ethan is interested in the hospitality business. I store that away for future reference.

“I’ll be getting off then, but you’ll ring me if you need me. Right? The number of the clinic is by the phone.” The doctor clearly has places to be. “And no gadding about. You’re fresh out of hospital and you need to rest.”