Page 76 of Savage Redemption

He relates much the same tale I’ve already heard, adding a sincere apology for falling soft and allowing Rosie to leave the island.

“Hindsight is wonderful,” I reply. “And as you say, she’s not a prisoner.”

“So, what are you going to do?” Tony wonders.

“For now, nothing. Even if she has gone to Tenerife, I don’t see why Kaminski would harm her. More likely he’d put her straight on a plane and send her back here.”

“San Antonio seemed to think Kaminski already threatened her,” he reminds me.

“I know, but I’m pretty certain that was just posturing to put pressure on Adan.”

“But, what if…?”

I consider for a few moments. “You’re right. I’ll phone Kaminski and ask if he’s seen her.”

“No.The girl isn’t here, to the best of my knowledge.” Kaminski flatly denies having clapped eyes on Rosie.

“Well, she’s only been missing since yesterday so could still be on her way. Will you let me know if she shows up?”

“Of course. Is that all?”

“Not quite. What about San Antonio?”

“What about him?”

“Don’t mess me about, Kaminski. Is he still with you?”

There’s a silence, then, “Just explain to me again what the fuck this has to do with you, Savage.”

“So, heisstill there.”

“We have unfinished business, and it doesn’t concern you.”

“Is he safe?”

“For now.”


“Meaning, this conversation is over. Goodbye, Savage.” The phone goes dead.

There’s silence for a few seconds, then, “He means to kill him,” I breathe. “Fuck.”

“Sounds like it.” I meet Tony’s gaze. “Which means, if he does have the girl, or gets his hands on her, the chances are she won’t be seen again either.”

“Darke will raise merry hell. He’ll certainly go to the police. Or the papers.”

“Who could blame him?” I redial. It’s something of a long shot, but maybe if I explain in words of one syllable that Iwant Adan and Rosie released alive, he’ll actually listen. We are supposed to be allies, after all.

The dial tone rings and rings, and eventually goes to voice mail. I end the call and dial Jack’s number instead.


“Is Darke safely tucked up?”

“Yes. He’s not quiet, though.”

“Leave someone to guard him. I don’t want him loose about the island until I say so. Assemble the rest of the men and come up here. Conference, in my office, in ten minutes.”