“Yes. I have no doubt Tomasz would have gone back into that building if San Antonio hadn’t shown up. He risked his own life, and sacrificed his chance to escape, to get them out. I owe him for that.”
“What about Rosie?”
“I’m going to suggest she remains here. It’s probably safer as we have no idea what Kaminski’s true intentions are, or how he’ll react to seeing San Antonio back on his doorstep.”
“Suggest?” His expression is one of utter incredulity.
“Yes. I think it’s up to her. Don’t you?”
“But what if she decides to go with him?”
I don’t bother answering that. Sooner or later, assuming San Antonio survives his encounter with Kaminski, I’m pretty certain Rosie will be going somewhere with him. Nathan will have to get his head round that.
I’m not unsympathetic. I was equally opposed to the prospect of Janey taking up with Kaminski. I can’t stand the man, and I certainly don’t trust him. He’s an old adversary posing as some sort of ally for the sake of his wife, and I barely manage to tolerate him on the rare occasions the couple make an appearance on my island. Nathan Darke will need to be just as stoical if he wants to hang on to some sort of relationship with his daughter, but I suspect his wife will manage to talk sense to him.
I hope so, but that’s not really my concern either.
“According to the doctor, here, our guest will need a few more days to fully recuperate, but then he’s free to leave.”
“But, what if?—?”
I get to my feet. “It’s decided. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to phone the Richmond to check on Andrej’s progress.”
Nathan is still glowering, but he takes the hint. He stalks from my conference room, his wife at his side. I daresay there’ll be some heated conversations in their apartment later, but my money’s on the professor to make him see the reality of his situation.
He has two choices.
“When do you leave?”
“Tomorrow.” I pour myself a glass of water. “Do you want one, Rosie?” It’s a struggle, getting used to her real name, but I’m trying.
Rosie shakes her head, fighting back tears. “Why not just… go off somewhere? We could find a place to hide, somewhere he can’t find us.”
“We?” I regard her across the room. I was discharged from the tender mercies of the lovely doctor Megan two days ago and allocated a guest room in the main castle. It’s small but comfortable. “I’m not expecting you to come with me.”
“I want to. And Erin. We’re a family.”
Are we?It’s a pleasant enough thought, but way beyond my expectations and not what I planned for. A relationship with my daughter, just the certainty that she’s safe, and happy, that was what I set out to achieve. I had assumed any relationship with Rosa — sorry, Rosie — was history. It had to be, surely, considering everything.
“Rosie, I’m not sure…” Maybe, if we were starting from scratch, no baggage, perhaps then we could be together. Maybe we could have some sort of a chance. But after all that’s happened, how can I be sure this is even what she wants?
She appears to harbour no doubts at all. “I am. I’ve never been more sure of anything. I… I love you, Adan.”
“How is that even possible? After… everything.”
“You sound just like my father.”
Why am I not surprised. The man loathes me, and I can’t really argue.
“We can’t just ignore what happened before. Your father has a point.”
“It’smylife.” She leaps to her feet. “He’ll understand, eventually. He has to.”