Page 52 of Savage Redemption

He shrugs. “She would in a heartbeat if she thinks something fishy is going on. Is it?”

I return his gaze. “I expect so, but it has nothing to do with Health and Safety. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m needed in my conference room.”



What’s going on?What should I do?

I’m in a daze when I stumble back into my room in the castle. Eva is there, with Erin perched on her lap leafing through a toddler’s board book. It’s one of Erin’s favourites, with bright colours in and different textures for her to touch.

“Ah, there you are.” Eva glances up at me. “Do you know where your father got to?”

I shake my head and sink onto a sofa. “Is she all right? After the fire, I mean. All the smoke…”

“Oh, she’s fine. And ready for her dinner, I expect, after all that excitement. Shall we go down to the kitchen, see if Mrs McRae needs any help?”

“What? Oh, right. Yes, you go. I can take her…” I hold out my arms.

“Are you sure? You look to be in shock, pale as a ghost.” She peers suspiciously at me. “Are you quite certain you didn’t inhale any fumes?”

“No, no, I’m fine. Really. It was all just a bit…”


Yes. And the rest.

“That poor man. And that little boy. I hope they’re both okay.” She hands Erin to me and heads for the door. “I’ll see if there’s any more news when I get downstairs. Are you sure you won’t come?”

I shake my head and pick up the discarded picture book. “We have colours to learn. We’ll be busy for a while, but I may pop down later.”

She slants me a smile and hurries off, leaving me with my churning thoughts.

I settle Erin beside me on the sofa, the book clasped in her hands. It’s upside down, but she doesn’t seem to mind, which is just as well as my head is whirling.

What was Adan thinking? He could have been killed. Still might, if Ethan Savage works out who the unconscious man in his clinic really is.

And why does that bother me quite so much as it does? Adan is my enemy, my father says so, and he knows what’s best. Adan San Antonio means me harm, and Erin. We’re here, on Caraksay, hiding from him.

I should tell Ethan what I know, who Carlos di Costa really is. That’s the right thing to do, surely. He can protect us. Adan won’t be able to do us any harm.

Except… I don’t believe heisdangerous. Well, not to me or Erin. He said so, didn’t he? And he never lied to me before. He… he took care of me.

And now, he might die. Might already be dead, for all I know. He looked bad, really bad. I bite back a sob.

I don’t want Adan San Antonio to die.

I… I love him. Or something similar. Possibly.

I like him. I care about him. I’m grateful to him and I want him to survive, to be okay.

I leap to my feet. I need to see him. Now. I need to know he’s alive.

I scoop up my baby and her picture book and head for the door.

I spot the site forewoman,I think she’s called Bex, and Tony Haigh, one of Ethan’s top generals just leaving the clinic as I approach. I duck out of sight and wait for them to pass. The door to the clinic is unlocked, so I slip inside and pause to listen. I hear footsteps and a scraping sound from one of the rooms off the tiny waiting area, then the low murmur of voices. Megan, talking to Nataliya. The girl replies, her voice raspy.

I wait for a moment, then, shushing Erin, I creep towards the other treatment room. I try the door. It’s unlocked, obviously. I slip inside.